if then X or Y

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by spencer1971, May 5, 2004.

  1. spencer1971

    spencer1971 Guest

    Im tyring to write a subroutine (c_sand) whish will get a keyword and then run either P_sand or S_sand respectively.

    My first attempt atusing if..

    Could anyone give me a shove in the right direction sorp keeps returning nil.

    (defun c:c_sand ()
    (initget "Select Pick")
    (setq sorp (getkword "\nHatch Style? Select/<Pick>: "))
    (if (= sorp "pick") p_sand)
    (if (= sorp "select") s_sand)
    spencer1971, May 5, 2004
  2. spencer1971

    Chip Harper Guest

    I'm sure you'll get some better answers but I would try:

    (defun c:c_sand ()
    (initget 1 "Select Pick")
    (setq sorp (getkword "\nHatch Style? Select/<Pick>: "))
    (if (= sorp "pick") (setq sorp1 "p_sand"))
    (if (= sorp "select") (setq sorp1 "s_sand"))
    Chip Harper, May 5, 2004
  3. 1. Note the use of a local variable. Try to remember to make
    variables local if they're only required in the function where
    they're assigned/referenced.

    2. Use the standard format for obtaining keywords
    (enclose keywords in square brackets so they are
    added to the right-click menu automatically).

    3. Since a null response implies the default ("Pick"),
    you explicitly test for the other response, and if
    that fails, you assume the default was accepted or

    (defun C:C_SAND ( / sorp)
    (initget "Select Pick")
    (setq sorp (getkword "\nHatch style [Select/Pick] <Pick>: "))
    (if (eq sorp "Select")
    (p_sand) ;; Any response other than "Select"
    (princ) ;; silent exit

    Also consider supporting error handling, system variable
    save/restore, etc.
    Tony Tanzillo, May 5, 2004
  4. spencer1971

    ECCAD Guest

    Something like this ?
    (defun p_sand ()
    (Prompt "\nSelected [Pick]..")
    (defun s_sand ()
    (Prompt "\nSelected [Select]..")
    (defun c:c_sand ()
    (initget "Select Pick S P")
    (setq sorp (strcase (getkword "\nHatch Style? Select/<Pick>: ")))
    (if (or (= sorp "P")(= sorp "PICK")) (p_sand))
    (if (or (= sorp "S")(= sorp "SELECT")) (s_sand))
    ); end function

    :)) Bob
    ECCAD, May 5, 2004
  5. spencer1971

    David Bethel Guest

    The intiget / getkword combination is case sensitive. Capital letters
    being the short version response.

    (= sorp "Pick")
    (= sorp "Select")

    David Bethel, May 5, 2004
  6. spencer1971

    spencer1971 Guest

    I decided on this, It seems to work although Im not convinced its the neatest solution.

    I would like to make it default to <pick> by just hitting enter but I cannot work out how. (is it something to do with the square brackets as suggested above)

    Many thanks for all your help


    (defun c:c_sand ()
    (initget "Select Pick")
    (setq sorp (getkword "\nHatch Style? Select/<Pick>: "))
    (if (= sorp "Pick")
    (if (= sorp "Select")
    spencer1971, May 5, 2004
  7. spencer1971

    Jeff Mishler Guest

    No, It has to do with the order of the lines in your if statement....

    (if (= sorp "Select")
    (s_sand); it WAS "Select" so run s_sand
    (p_sand);it WAS NOT "Select" so run p_sand


    cannot work out how. (is it something to do with the square brackets as
    suggested above)
    Jeff Mishler, May 5, 2004
  8. You seem to be making the same mistake that several
    other responses do, which is that you are using _TWO_
    conditional branching constructs, when you only need one.

    Look at the example I posted, and try to understand why
    only a single <if> <then> <else> is used rather than two
    distinct <if> <then> constructs.

    In other words:

    (if <condition> <then> <else>)

    Is doing the same thing as

    (if <condition1> <then>)
    (if <condition2> <else>)

    The use of two distinct <if>-<then> constructs is not really
    correct and confuses the intent of your code, because it
    implies that both <condition1> and <condition2> are inclusive
    (IOW, both of the two <conditions> can be true), but in fact,
    both conditions are exclusive (only one of the two <conditions>
    can be true, but never both).

    The sample I posted also supports the default response.

    the square brackets as suggested above)
    Tony Tanzillo, May 5, 2004
  9. WOW!!
    I never knew that capability existed before. It took me some digging to
    find anything about it in the Help.

    I tried this for myself:

    (defun C:Decide()
    (initget 0 "Yes No Maybe")
    (getkword "[Yes/No/Maybe]: ")

    When I ran it, the right-click menu showed "Yes", "No", and "Maybe" while
    the command was active, and selecting one of those items would return the

    Thanks, Tony. I learned something new and useful today. Man, you really
    know the ins and outs of this program!

    -Rick Francken
    Rick Francken, May 6, 2004
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