IE error on NIW Standalone deployment

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Matt Stachoni, May 31, 2004.

  1. I'm trying to set up ADT 2005 from NIW for a Standalone
    Deployment. I've updated IE 6 SP1 to all the latest patches,
    but at the same point on every attempt, I receive the

    Cannot find
    Make sure the path ot Internet address is correct.

    And Netsetup.exe hangs.

    Any ideas?


    Matt Stachoni, May 31, 2004
  2. Hi Matt,

    Make sure there is a "\ADT\Support\AdNIW\dlls\Webdepot" folder in your "G"
    drive and make sure you have the correct ADT CD for that drive. Let us know
    how it goes.

    Mei Yu Li

    Mei Yu Li \(Autodesk\), Jun 1, 2004
  3. Well, it was ADT 2005 Disk 1 of 3. However, with a quick
    Google search, the problem was solved.

    When I did a search in Explorer for the RTSUNServer.HTML
    file on G:\ (my CD-DROM drive) the files came up as being in

    D:\Documents and Settings\Matt\Application Data\Microsoft\CD
    Burning..... and it didn't register as being in the G:\
    drive at all!

    So, that told me that Microsoft's CD Burning functionality
    was screwing up with my abilities to access my CD-RW drive.
    I thought I disabled this by disabling the IMAPI CD-Burning
    COM Service, but I found out I have to actually add two
    Registry settings to completely kill it, as documented here:

    I added the following two Registry entries:

    User Key:

    System Key:

    Value Name: NoCDBurning
    Data Type: REG_DWORD (DWORD Value)
    Value Data: (0 = Allow CDR, 1 = Disable CDR)

    Once these values were added and I rebooted, no more
    problem. Definitely one for the Knowledge Base....


    Matt Stachoni, Jun 2, 2004
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