Identify Layer in Xref

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Jim Keller, Feb 4, 2004.

  1. Jim Keller

    Jim Keller Guest

    Has anyone come across a way to select an object in an external reference
    and have that entity return the layer it is on. I can turn off layers by
    selecting objects in an xref, and then undo, but was wondering if there was
    a better method.
    Jim Keller, Feb 4, 2004
  2. Jim Keller

    ffejgreb Guest

    If you have express tools, use xlist.
    ffejgreb, Feb 4, 2004
  3. Jim Keller

    Davmt Guest

    in express>blocks there is an icon for "List Xref/Block Properties". this should be what you need.
    Davmt, Feb 4, 2004
  4. (cdr (assoc 8 (entget (car (nentsel "\nselect nested object: ")))))
    Jason Piercey, Feb 4, 2004
  5. Jim Keller

    Rudy Tovar Guest

    You might also want to consider paperspace layer freeze and if current set
    to a different layer.

    See below

    (defun c:fxl (/ ent inf ct-con t-con o-con)

    (prompt "\nselect entity in xref....")

    (setq ent (nentsel))

    (if ent


    (setq inf (entget (car ent)))

    (setq ly (cdr (assoc 8 inf)))



    (if (and ent (not (= ly "0")))


    (if (= (getvar "tilemode") 1)


    (if (= ly (getvar"clayer"))


    (setq ct-con (tblsearch "layer" "0")

    t-con (cdr (assoc 70 ct-con))

    o-con (cdr (assoc 62 ct-con))


    (if (= t-con 1)(command "layer" "t" "0" ""))

    (if (< o-con 0)(command "layer" "on" "0" ""))

    (setvar"clayer" "0")



    (command "layer" "f" ly (princ))

    (prompt (strcat "\nlayer frozen is " ly))



    (if (= (getvar "tilemode") 0)


    (command "vplayer" "f" ly "c" "")

    (prompt (strcat "\ncurrent vport layer frozen is " ly))





    (if (= ly "0")(xl))


    (setq ly nil)

    (if ent (c:fxl))



    (defun xl (/)

    (if ent


    (setq ent (reverse ent))

    (setq inf (entget (car (car ent))))

    (setq ly (cdr (assoc 8 inf)))

    (if (and (= (getvar"tilemode") 1)(not (= (getvar"clayer") ly)))


    (command "layer" "f" ly (princ))

    (prompt (strcat "\nlayer frozen is " ly))



    (if (= (getvar"tilemode") 0)


    (command "vplayer" "f" ly "c" "")

    (prompt (strcat "\ncurrent vport layer frozen is " ly))





    (setq ly nil)


    Rudy Tovar, Feb 4, 2004
  6. Jim Keller

    Jim Keller Guest

    Thanks, Xlist was just what I was looking for.
    Jim Keller, Feb 4, 2004
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