Identfying area to place doubled contact

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Chandramohan Neelakantan, Jun 15, 2004.

  1. Hello,

    I am working on script to double contacts in a layout. My logic is as

    1. I have the width and length of the doubled contact.
    The width of the contact is the same but the lenght is different
    from the
    single contact.

    2. Identify Contacts in Layout.
    3. Take one contact at a time
    4. Identify an area where a doubled contact can be placed.*(Currently
    only along the X axis. )
    The area has the width of the existing singel contact with the Y
    co-ords being the same as the contact I am trying to double.

    5. Identify the left edge of the area to the left of the original
    6. Identify the right edge of the ares to the right of the original
    7. Place the doubled contact in the centre of the marked area.

    The problem is to find the left and right edges of the area.
    I dont want to search incrementally (to the left and right) from the
    existing contact as this would be too time consuming in the case of
    huge layouts.

    I hope I have made myself clear. Any help would be greatly
    appreciated.I am pretty new to SKILL and I am finding it difficult to
    foresee the issues I have to face during the doubling process. I have
    made quite a bit (albeit slowly) of progress in identifying the
    Chandramohan Neelakantan, Jun 15, 2004
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