icons are very happy

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Walt Engle, Feb 27, 2005.

  1. Walt Engle

    Walt Engle Guest

    You can put your bitmaps in any folder where autocad can find them in the
    search file path. I have a separate folder, titled BMPS where I keep mine.

    Try re-loading, but use acad.mnu this time.
    Walt Engle, Feb 27, 2005
  2. Walt Engle

    mmm Guest

    I'm not...

    My acad2004 has lost all the icons

    I unload all additional partial menus, and acad.mns, then loaded acad.mns
    and still no icons. All the commands work - just no buttons!

    any ideas?

    if I have additional icons - shouldn't I put the .bmp s in enu/support?


    mmm, Feb 27, 2005
  3. Walt Engle

    mmm Guest

    got the acad icons back - but not my customized ones - not sure what gives...

    Princess Jamie,

    Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.
    - Anais Nin

    You can put your bitmaps in any folder where autocad can find them in the search file path. I have a separate folder, titled BMPS where I keep mine.
    Try re-loading, but use acad.mnu this time.
    mmm, Feb 27, 2005
  4. Walt Engle

    Walt Engle Guest

    What version autocad?
    Walt Engle, Feb 27, 2005
  5. Walt Engle

    Walt Engle Guest

    After making my icons, as I said earlier, I put them in a folder (BMPS) and
    make sure BMPS is shown in autocad's search file path. Then I also add them
    to my acad.mnu as shown below. Note ***TOOLBARS is the autocad heading but
    **TB_COLUMN and everything listed under it is my personal toolbar with icons
    as bitmaps. The bitmaps can have any name.


    ID_COL_0 [_Toolbar("Col",_Floating,_Show,400,50,0)]
    ID_COLUP_0 [_Button("Colup", "0041.bmp", "0041.bmp")]^c^c(if (not colup)(load
    ID_COLRT_0 [_Button("Colrt", "0042.bmp", "0042.bmp")]^c^c(if (not colrt)(load
    ID_COLLFT_0 [_Button("Collft", "0043.bmp", "0043.bmp")]^c^c(if (not
    collft)(load "collft"));collft
    ID_TRIM_0 [_Button("trim", "icon0089.bmp", "icon0089.bmp")]trim
    ID_EXTEND_0 [_Button("extend", "icon5556.bmp", "icon5556.bmp")]extend
    Walt Engle, Feb 27, 2005
  6. Walt Engle

    mmm Guest

    okay - I reloaded the menu and I've got most of them back...strange!
    acad2004 sp 1a

    id there any other upgrades I should install?


    Princess Jamie,

    Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.
    - Anais Nin

    | What version autocad?
    mmm, Feb 27, 2005
  7. Walt Engle

    Tom Smith Guest

    As Walt said, you need to make sure all bmp's referenced in the custom menu are available on your search path. I also prefer to keep them in a dedicated folder added to the path.

    You can force a recompile with images by deleting the mnc and mnr associated with the custom menu, and restarting Acad. Unloading and reloading the mns should do the same thing, but it seems you can't be certain about the buttons until you restart.
    Tom Smith, Feb 27, 2005
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