ICM'2004 : Call for Papers

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Kholdoun TORKI, Apr 21, 2004.

  1. --------------------------------------------------------------
    2004 IEEE 16th International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM'04)
    December 6-8, 2004.
    Tunis, (Tunisia)

    The ICM 2004 Organisation Commitee is pleased to announce the
    Call for Papers :

    extended summaries by August 10, 2004

    Information about the conference available at :


    Microelectronics technology:

    · Device characterisation and modelling
    · Device physics and novel structures
    · Materials and material characterisation techniques
    · Process technology, CMOS, BJT, BiCMOS, GaAs.
    · Reliability and failure analysis
    · Radiation effects
    · Packaging, surface mount technology
    · Opto-electronics
    · MEMS and MOEMS Devices
    · Smart power and sensors

    Design and application of integrated circuits and systems:

    · Custom and semi-custom circuits (design concepts, architectures,
    high-performance and low-power circuits).
    · Embedded system design
    · Systems on Chip (SoCs)
    · Digital signal and data processing
    · Analog circuit techniques
    · Design for testability
    · Low-voltage, low-power VLSI design
    · Applications to computer and telecommunications systems
    · ANN applications
    · Wireless Communication Applications

    Computer-aided design for microelectronics:

    · Simulation (process, device, circuit, logic, timing, functional).
    · Layout (placement, routing, floorplanning, symbolic, ERC, DRC)
    · Test (generation, testability, build-in test, simulation).
    · Systems (design synthesis, compilation, expert systems, too
    integration, hardware acceleration, CAD systems).
    · Formal verification.


    Author(s) should submit extended summaries by August 10, 2004. The
    summary must clearly indicate the area of the papers, the main results
    and contributions. The summary should not exceed four pages, and should
    strictly follow the IEEE journal two-column format. Summaries should be
    submitted as PDF files attached to an Email. Notification of acceptance
    will be mailed by September 16th, 2004. The four pages summary of
    accepted papers will be published in the Conference proceedings, subject
    to the payment of the conference registration fees. The conference
    Language is English. Extended summaries must be forwarded to the
    conference secretariat :

    ============= http://www.gmslab.org/conferences/icm2004

    I apologise if you recieve multiple copies of the CFP.
    Kholdoun TORKI
    IEEE 16th International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM'04)
    Kholdoun TORKI, Apr 21, 2004
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