IC6.1 license problem.

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by jerry, May 10, 2008.

  1. jerry

    jerry Guest

    Hi, everyone

    I installed Cadence IC6.1 but i don't how to set up license file

    The warning message of icfb is:

    (deLicense-3)COULD NOT GET THE LICENSE Schematic_L.Trying a
    higher_tiered license...".

    Someone said that you have to modify license.dat file and bring up
    license before you run icfb.

    Could you help please?

    Thanks a lot!
    jerry, May 10, 2008
  2. jerry

    jayl-news Guest


    It's a little more than that. There is no modification you can make
    to the license file. You need to get an updated license file from

    I'm assuming you're in an environment where you've been running
    IC5.something for a long time, want to transition to IC6, but need
    to continue running IC5.

    The license file you currently have probably has a line like:

    FEATURE 34500 cdslmd 5.2 14-dec-2007 10 9D87D0959569A3941D27...

    IC6 cannot checkout this feature. You need an updated license file
    a line like:

    FEATURE Virtuoso_Schematic_Editor_L cdslmd 6.1 02-jul-2008...

    Beware that if you install this license file and want to run IC5, you
    *must* run IC5141_USR4 or later. It knows how to checkout
    either the old-style or new-style features. Earlier versions of IC5
    be dead, just like IC6 is for you now. I think IC5141_USR6 just
    came out (I haven't checked recently).

    jayl-news, May 12, 2008
  3. jerry

    jerry Guest

    hi, Jay

    Thanks for you explanation.

    That was exactly my problems.

    I installed license file for IC6.1 then I cannot run IC5141.

    I 'll try IC5141_USR6.

    jerry, May 13, 2008
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