I think this is a semantic difference

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Andrew Troup, Dec 22, 2003.

  1. Andrew Troup

    Andrew Troup Guest

    The term "resolution" is perhaps one to be avoided in this context, as it
    tends to be associated with 2D pixel density.

    Strictly speaking, as I understand it, when you dial up increased image
    quality in SldWks, you are decreasing the size of the polygon mesh.

    Such a mesh underlies any 3D model, whether surface model or solid model.
    What look from a distance like smooth curved faces are actually internally
    calculated as flat facets. Because facet edges are not shown in the middle
    of a face, this faceting is only evident, on screen or in 2D output, where
    two surfaces meet, or on a silhouette edge.

    It's not a question of vector output resolution, but of internal process
    granularity.The vector output quality is inevitably affected, because the
    problem is upstream (garbage going into the 2D visualiser= garbage coming

    Andrew Troup, Dec 22, 2003
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