I should know better, but forgot if this was possible...

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by IYM, Mar 6, 2009.

  1. IYM

    IYM Guest

    Hey all -

    Been using SWx since '96 and I don't do this to often in my business, but
    can you dissolve assembly features into components? For simplicity sake, a
    quick example would be, in an assembly suppose you have two parts and you
    create a tapped hole for a cap screw. The c'bore and clearance hole are in
    part a and a tapped hole is in part b as it was supposed to be done at this
    level, but lets say that upon mfg review it was decided create the holes at
    the piece part level. In this simple example, is it possible to dissolve
    the feature to their respective parts or do they have to be recreated on
    each at the part level...

    This obviously doesn't happen to me to often, and didn't see anything in the
    help or when googling...


    IYM, Mar 6, 2009
  2. IYM

    ronsharo Guest

    When using Hole Series The Holes will exist in the part level but any
    modification of the holes will have to be made on the assembly level.

    ronsharo, Mar 7, 2009
  3. IYM

    tnik Guest

    I just came across this alot in the last assembly I created.. In 2009, I
    can create a feature in the assembly level, and in the Property Manger,
    at the bottom, you'll see feature scope. From there you can select what
    components you want to have the feature..
    tnik, Mar 9, 2009
  4. IYM

    IYM Guest

    Thanks - This seemed to be what I wanted and was simple enough, but I got
    rebuild errors all over. The holes would propagate to the first component,
    but did not exist on the second. When I checked out the propagated hole
    sketch on the second part, the holes sketch was turned on a different plane.
    Played around with it a little bit but gave up due to time. When it comes
    to taking longer to get it to work than it does to do it another way, I have
    to move on.

    I saved a 2nd copy to play around with when time permits...

    Thanks again,

    IYM, Mar 9, 2009
  5. IYM

    tnik Guest

    Thanks - This seemed to be what I wanted and was simple enough, but I got
    Yea, it was probably how the original sketch was constrained.. need to
    constrain it to the part you want the feature on..
    tnik, Mar 9, 2009
  6. IYM

    IYM Guest

    hmm, I don't know. Basically two plates mated together. Used the hole
    wizard to drop in #4-40 holes with a counterbore, a clearance hole on the
    front part and fully constained it and threaded the hole up to a selected
    surface on the back of the second part. Was fine on the assy... In this
    instance it was quicker to just add the info on the parts manually, then
    delete the assy feature, but if I had a bunch of holes and parts all over,
    I'd have played around a tad longer...

    Thanks though,

    IYM, Mar 10, 2009
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