I output in simvision

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Vineet, Apr 19, 2004.

  1. Vineet

    Vineet Guest

    When I simulate a design in verilog-ams, using Simvision, I am able to
    see the "potential - V" value for the signals( that belong to
    "electrical" discipline). Is there a way by which I can see the "flow
    - I"( current) value for the signal ?

    Vineet, Apr 19, 2004
  2. You need to use the -flow option to the probe command. Something like:

    probe -create -shm -flow -ports top.I0

    This is covered in the AMS Simulator User Guide KP&S (I think that's where it

    In essence you need to tell the simulator to probe currents - it does this
    efficiently, because it already knows the currents because of the fact that
    the simulator is preserving Kirchoff's current law.


    Andrew Beckett, Apr 20, 2004
  3. Vineet

    Vineet Guest

    Thanks Andrew.
    Is -flow an option available from recent releases ? Coz I am not able
    to see this option when I do a probe -help in AMS simulator. And when
    I run the command anyways, I get "*E,UNKOPT: unrecognized option for
    the probe [-create] command (-flow)."

    I have the 4.0 version of the tool.

    Vineet, Apr 21, 2004
  4. Hi Vineet,

    Yes, it is a relatively recent addition - I think it may have been in
    LDV50, I don't remember (it might have been a hotfix of LDV40?)

    Before that the alternative is to put save statements into your analog control
    file to save the currents you want (in spectre syntax).

    But a better solution would be to move to using LDV51, I'd say, if you



    Andrew Beckett, Apr 21, 2004
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