I need to get 72 phot renders done over the next few weeks

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by parel, May 24, 2006.

  1. parel

    parel Guest

    Does anyone have suggestions on how to automate the process? Also would
    this work when using a plug-in like Maxwell? I have a studio setup for
    Photoworks that I have had success with for a small run of renders but
    not for a large number. If anyone has had success automating
    renderings/Solidworks process, or running Maxwell/Photoworks over a
    network I would appreciate your advice.
    parel, May 24, 2006
  2. By the way, I've seen your stuff over at Product Design Forums.....some
    really nice work...love your stuff.
    Rob Rodriguez, May 25, 2006
  3. parel

    parel Guest

    wow-not only two identical topics but two identical posts..yeesh!

    Rob- thanks for the compliment! Well - unfortunately I have 68 separate
    files to render. Fortunately- they are organized into families-- appox.
    3 similar concepts are grouped in 23 assys. They are all modeled around
    the origin, so that I can toggle visibility and render. There are some
    common materials, and some custom textures. I was hoping to texture
    them during the day, put them into a proven studio and have them render
    at night, over the network using Maxwell, or barring that Photoworks. I
    have limited time during the day, and I need to sleep, so I was hoping
    that someone would have a few pointers!

    Perhaps I can toggle visibility of the parts in Animator that
    Photoworks can render? not sure. I dont have plenty of Animator
    experience so this will take some experimentation.
    parel, May 25, 2006
  4. parel

    neil Guest

    if you have set them up ready to render why not just ask for some groupies
    here to render 5-6 each for you - may be for a small reward ;o)
    neil, May 25, 2006
  5. parel

    John Layne Guest

    Hi Parel,

    Have you asked these questions on the Maxwell forum?

    I've been somewhat busy over the past few weeks, so haven't had much time to
    try out Maxwell V1 other than a few test renders so I can't offer to much
    advice. Not sure if render queing is working with V1.

    John Layne
    John Layne, May 25, 2006
  6. parel

    John Layne Guest

    Forgot to add one of the test renders I did with Maxwell the other day was
    the Mouse from your surfacing tutorial on the Product design forum. mainly
    to test the new multi-light functionality of Maxwell. I love that feature

    Tips if using Maxwell (which you probably already know)

    1/ Make your lights as simple as possible ie just simple square surfaces,
    you will have to assign the surface normals in Maxwell Studio as you can't
    in SolidWorks. Simple lights will increase render speed dramatically.
    2/ Use the -ml in the comand line in Studio to enable the multi-light
    functionality. This way you can alter the intensity of the lighting of the
    render file (.mxi) in real time after the render is complete, allowing you
    to save an infinite number of images from the .mxi file. If you have 1 or 20
    lights active in the render won't affect the speed.

    John Layne
    John Layne, May 25, 2006
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