I need to design boxes ( eg toothpaste box and all graphic and logos as well as words)

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Mylinux, Sep 8, 2003.

  1. Mylinux

    Mylinux Guest

    I have not explained well.

    what kind of software that will design the box ( toothpaste) after I have
    designed the logo. these logo can "melt" into the surface of

    I have collected a few toothpaste. Expand it and I want to learn how to
    design it.

    Mylinux, Sep 8, 2003
  2. Mylinux

    Mylinux Guest

    all of them are jobs description. NOT find.
    The reason that I post here is that may be autocad is good choice. But I do
    not have the money to buy autocad.

    Mylinux, Sep 8, 2003
  3. Mylinux

    Glen Appleby Guest

    Sorry to be so terse, but if you cannot get AutoCAD, then why are
    you asking about it for this (or any) purpose?

    I did something similar with AutoCAD. I tore apart some
    cigarette boxes, input the information in AutoCAD, then plotted
    it at 1:1. When I cut it out, I had a replica of the box, in
    paper. It *sort* of worked ... needing adjustments for the stock
    thickness, of course.

    There are lesser software packages available at lower prices.

    "Who we are and who we become depends, in part, on whom we love."
    -- "A General Theory Of Love" Thanks, Mom
    Glen Appleby <HTTP://www.armory.com/~glena/>
    Glen Appleby, Sep 8, 2003
  4. Mylinux

    Private Guest

    Check out the below links for some professional (and all free) options.
    Wings is supposed to be a good modeller, while Art of Illusion can do that
    too, and just about anything any renderer on the market can do. (Look for a
    guy named Nate's sample award-winning images done with it.)
    For a small example, it has HDRI, image mapping (such as for adding, or as
    you say; "melting" textures and images onto surfaces), procedural texturing,
    photon-mapping and cautics for high photorealism, and also does high-end
    It may also support a 2D-cad DXF file import feature soon!
    I use it myself, and invite you to its forum at Sourceforge (link below),
    where you'll find that and much much more in the way of fine free open
    source software solutions.


    ..Why Software Should Not Have Owners: www.gnu.org/philosophy/why-free.html
    ..Brl CAD http://ftp.arl.mil/brlcad
    ..Q CAD www.qcad.org/index.php3
    ..FreeCAD www.askoh.com/freecad
    ..Varkon CAD www.mathematik.uni-ulm.de/help/varkon/man.htm
    ..Art Of Illusion http://aoi.sourceforge.net
    ..Blender www.blender.org
    ..Wings www.wings3d.org
    ..Persistence of Vision www.povray.org
    ..Grass GIS http://grass.itc.it
    ..Info www.opensource.org
    ..Repository www.sourceforge.net
    ..3d File Converter http://home.europa.com/~keithr
    Private, Sep 9, 2003
  5. Mylinux

    CW Guest

    First impression when you said "design boxes" I thought architect.
    CW, Sep 20, 2003
  6. Mylinux

    Robert Guest

    Box design strats with de die-line of the outline then when the drawing is
    imported and opened with illustrator you can place the logos, images etc in
    the area


    Robert, Sep 20, 2003
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