I need help for putting objects in different named groups

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Dave, Feb 21, 2005.

  1. Dave

    Dave Guest

    Hi All,

    I am having a problem with the code below when it comes to adding objects to
    a group that shows up as a grouped set in ACAD.

    The code below adds "all" the items to "al"l the different subassembly
    groups I find when pulling the xdata from each objects subassembly name.

    I am trying to only add each item to the group subassemby (string) and no
    more. I think need to some how create new se;ection set array based on each
    entity in the selection set, but I am not sure how or if that is the best
    way. I am not an experienced programmer and I have spend 7 hours trying to
    figure this out.

    If anyone could please correct the code or explain what I need to do in
    simple terms so that each object in the selection set only goes to it's
    subassembly string(its own group), I would be very greatfull.

    Thnak you very much,


    Sub Groupc(AcadApp As AcadApplication)

    Dim entity As AcadDocument
    Dim ssetObj As AcadSelectionSet
    Dim Ent As AcadEntity
    Dim objSelSet As AcadSelectionSet
    Dim SubAssembly As String

    Dim objEnts() As AcadEntity
    Dim intIndex As Integer
    Dim objGrp As AcadGroup

    Set AutoCAD_Application = AcadApp
    Set entity = AutoCAD_Application.ActiveDocument
    On Error Resume Next

    Set objSelSet = entity.SelectionSets.Add("prev")
    objSelSet.Select acSelectionSetPrevious

    ReDim objEnts(objSelSet.Count - 1)

    For intIndex = LBound(objEnts) To UBound(objEnts)
    Set objEnts(intIndex) = objSelSet(intIndex)
    Next intIndex

    For Each Ent In objEnts

    SubAssembly = UCase(getXdataInformation2(Ent.Handle,
    "SubAssembly", entity))
    Set objGrp = entity.Groups.Add(SubAssembly)

    objGrp.AppendItems objEnt

    Dave, Feb 21, 2005
  2. Dave

    Dave Guest

    Sorry All,

    The above code should have read what is below:

    Sub Groupc(AcadApp As AcadApplication)
    ' This example finds the current Groups collection and
    ' adds a new group to that collection.
    Dim entity As AcadDocument
    Dim ssetObj As AcadSelectionSet
    Dim Ent As AcadEntity
    Dim objSelSet As AcadSelectionSet
    Dim intIndex As Integer
    Dim objGrp As AcadGroup
    Dim SubAssembly As String
    Dim objEnts() As AcadEntity

    Set AutoCAD_Application = AcadApp
    Set entity = AutoCAD_Application.ActiveDocument
    On Error Resume Next

    Set objSelSet = entity.SelectionSets.Add("prev")
    objSelSet.Select acSelectionSetPrevious

    ReDim objEnts(objSelSet.Count - 1)

    For intIndex = LBound(objEnts) To UBound(objEnts)
    Set objEnts(intIndex) = objSelSet(intIndex)
    Next intIndex

    For Each Ent In objSelSet

    SubAssembly = UCase(getXdataInformation2(Ent.Handle,
    "SubAssembly", entity))
    Set objGrp = entity.Groups.Add(SubAssembly)

    objGrp.AppendItems objEnts

    End Sub


    Dave, Feb 21, 2005
  3. Dave

    Dave Guest


    I finally got it.

    Here is the code:

    Sub Groupc(AcadApp As AcadApplication)

    Dim entity As AcadDocument
    Dim ssetObj As AcadSelectionSet
    Dim Ent As AcadEntity
    Dim objSelSet As AcadSelectionSet
    Dim intIndex As Integer
    Dim objGrp As AcadGroup
    Dim SubAssembly As String
    Dim objEnts() As AcadEntity
    Dim ent2 As AcadEntity

    Set AutoCAD_Application = AcadApp
    Set entity = AutoCAD_Application.ActiveDocument
    On Error Resume Next

    Set objSelSet = entity.SelectionSets.Add("prev")
    objSelSet.Select acSelectionSetPrevious
    Dim objEnts2(0 To 0) As AcadEntity

    ReDim objEnts(objSelSet.Count - 1)

    For intIndex = LBound(objEnts) To UBound(objEnts)
    Set objEnts(intIndex) = objSelSet(intIndex)
    Next intIndex

    For Each Ent In objSelSet

    Set ent2 = Ent
    SubAssembly = UCase(getXdataInformation2(Ent.Handle,
    "SubAssembly", entity))
    Set objGrp = entity.Groups.Add(SubAssembly)

    Set objEnts2(0) = ent2
    objGrp.AppendItems objEnts2

    End Sub
    Dave, Feb 21, 2005
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