I have an IDEA

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Corey Scheich, Jul 2, 2003.

  1. You know how it takes hours to do a where used search. Well the idea
    is save that darn information in the part file too. It would only
    take a few bytes. If you add a part to an assembly or drawing and
    you save the assembly or drawing it makes you save all the darn parts
    anyway so why not add that info then.

    Well what about when you take a part out of an assembly or drawing,
    you don't save the part in that case?

    Make it accessible from the Custom Properties then when you take a
    part out of an assembly SW could just go to the file and edit the list
    without asking for a save on the model info.

    What if someone else has the part opened?

    Well make the custom info or atleast this section of it accessible
    whenever. A solidworks file isn't that much different than a database
    of features made into a graphic form. What would it hurt if this kind
    of info was changed on the fly.

    Our database can do a where used search in seconds. Why does it take

    Will this ever get done. Doubt it. I just thought that maybe God
    would smile on me and get SW to do everything I want an make it
    efficient too.

    This may be amusing to some of you, but can't a guy dream.

    Corey Scheich, Jul 2, 2003
  2. This is essentially what many PDM systems do. I agree, it would be nice
    to see this as a quicker where used in the base SWX package.

    But, it does open a whole can of worms too... You already mentioned the
    read-only problem in a multiuser environment. What about exchanging SWX
    files with vendors or customers? Now, suddenly, there are two copies of
    the model file... not good for your suggestion.
    Arlin Sandbulte, Jul 2, 2003
  3. Corey Scheich

    Sporkman Guest

    Also, what would happen if two users inserted a Part into two different
    Assemblies independently at the same time? (I'm presuming the inclusion
    of the "Where Used" data would not by definition necessitate the use of
    PDM software.) How could one reconcile the file differences? Now, if
    SolidWorks could include a utility to edit the "Where Used" info that
    could be a way out of several possible conundrums

    Sporkman, Jul 3, 2003
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