I have a question about changing view orientation...

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by joe, Sep 1, 2003.

  1. joe

    joe Guest

    I tried to do as the solidworks 2003 help files suggest, it works, that
    isn't the effect that I'm looking for. I have a model that when I hit the
    space bar and select isometric view it shows "feature a" farther away from
    me. I would like to change the orientation so that "feature a" would instead
    be the closest to me. basically I would like to spin the model about the y
    axis 180 degrees, would put "feature a" closest to me. The solidworks 2003
    help files say to select 2 planar faces while holding down the ctrl key. The
    1st face to select has to be the face that you want to see closest to you
    and the second planar face has to be the face that you want pointing up. I
    do as told and the effect is as expected, the 1st plane runs parallel to the
    screen and the second plane is pointing up. This is not the effect I'm
    joe, Sep 1, 2003
  2. joe

    neil Guest

    well so now you have changed the view assignments so you just click on your
    iso icon and you have it as you wanted!? if you use shift and arrow keys you
    can move in 90 degree steps
    neil, Sep 1, 2003
  3. joe

    Tony Guest

    You can also adjust the model to the desired view, then insert a named view
    in the drawing and select Current View from the list. The current view is
    only available the first time you insert the named view.

    Tony, Sep 10, 2003
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