I hate Bluebeam!

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Jay Guthrie, Feb 9, 2004.

  1. Jay Guthrie

    Jay Guthrie Guest

    How come bluebeam is always my default when I go to print? How can I change
    that? Bluebeam thinks it needs to take control of all my printing and it's
    pissing me off!

    It seems more like cheap spieware than a legitimate program. I have
    bluebeam files spread from one end of my computer to the other. Can't
    believe all the bluebeam crap I found in my registry. I like a pdf writer
    with a preview before it saves a file. This has none. I tried to see if
    the wonderful win installer will take this garbage off my computer and it
    gives no options for it.

    What a POS! Solidworks needs higher standards than to allow this.

    Jay Guthrie, Feb 9, 2004
  2. Jay Guthrie

    Jay Guthrie Guest

    Ok, I figured it out. Had to change it in control panel and do a reboot to
    get the settings to take hold.

    Still, I really don't like it when you install software and it takes control
    of your settings. Would be nice to get if off my system.

    Jay Guthrie, Feb 9, 2004
  3. Jay Guthrie

    Sporkman Guest

    I'm glad I didn't buy it for $99 when I had the chance. I use Adobe
    Distiller. Have to go thru the additional step to print to a PostScript
    driver, then convert the .prn file to .pdf, but I have all kinds of
    output control that way. After reading about all the problems people
    have had with service packs and Bluebeam it's hard not to conclude that
    it's a POS.

    Sporkman, Feb 9, 2004
  4. Jay Guthrie

    Art Woodbury Guest

    I was immediately turned off by Bluebeam's "special offer" of $99. I
    use a great product called PDF-Exchange that costs half that amount and
    works flawlessly. It is available at: http://www.docu-track.com
    and the people there couldn't be nicer to deal with.

    And I was annoyed that Bluebeam has no option to not install in the
    first place. And there is no entry in the uninstall table, so it looks
    like it is being forced on us. I deleted it as a printer and removed it
    from the SW list of add-ins. Haven't got around to purging all the
    registry entries (there are lots of them). I wonder if it will return
    again after I install SP 2.1?

    Art W.
    Art Woodbury, Feb 9, 2004
  5. Jay Guthrie

    Eddy Hicks Guest


    We use PDF995 registered for $9.95. It does everything we need it to do.
    If you want more options, like preventing a user from printing your pdf,
    etc. then you can get the "suite" for $19.95. We've been using it for over
    a year and not a single issue.

    As for bluebeam, I disabled the add-in, deleted the printer, then from the
    "Printers and Faxes" list I pulled down "File" - "Server Properties" and
    removed anything bluebeam related from the ports and drivers tabs. I didn't
    go after the registry entries 'cause I just figured it would cause more
    problems than it would solve.

    - Eddy
    Eddy Hicks, Feb 10, 2004
  6. Philippe Guglielmetti, Feb 10, 2004
  7. I'm glad I didn't buy it for $99 when I had the chance.

    Personally, I found it laughable that this is a "discounted" price.
    Comparable products with nearly similar capabilities sell for about
    this (and many often times less). If one has $249, which is
    bluebeam's list price, why not simply buy acrobat? I'm sure I'm
    missing something imprortant . . .

    But, I would not be surprised to hear that it's selling. Especially
    since it can "programatically" decide which paper to use or whatever.

    "Programatically" <----- Please.

    In defense of solidworks, the save to PDF add-in is part if the
    standard bundle, which I use, appreciate and like. For an included
    add in, this is very helpful, but I can't help feeling that the add-in
    a form of persistent advertising for bluebeam.


    Sean-Michael Adams, Feb 10, 2004
  8. Jay Guthrie

    Jacob Filek Guest

    I haven't been able to use Bluebeam with any other software.

    Can it be?
    Jacob Filek, Feb 10, 2004
  9. Jay Guthrie

    kenneth b Guest

    as a longtime user of the full acrobat application, i have no use for
    bluebeam. i would certainly welcome an option not to install bluebeam.
    kenneth b, Feb 10, 2004
  10. Jay Guthrie

    Norbert71 Guest

    You could do it in one step like printing to paper using redmon:

    You've got ghostscript already on your system.

    All you have to do after hitting the print button is give it a name
    and a place to store...

    Norbert71, Feb 10, 2004
  11. Jay Guthrie

    Rocko Guest

    You can its called SP2.0. I couldnt resist that one.
    Rocko, Feb 10, 2004
  12. That was baaaaaadddd! :) LOL


    Wayne Tiffany, Feb 11, 2004
  13. Jay Guthrie

    Zander Guest

    FWIW, I have loved having the saveas PDF option available. Simple reality
    in my world is lots and lots of outgoing pdf files. This addin saves me
    having to re-navigate over and over to my working directory as the addin
    recylcles SW working folder.

    Basically, It saves my tired hand a certain number of mouse clicks for
    which I am gratefull. Havn't experienced any problems that others have had
    so for me it's been all good.

    Zander, Feb 11, 2004
  14. Jay Guthrie

    Merry Owen Guest


    Merry :)

    Merry Owen, Feb 12, 2004
  15. Sporky,
    Curious why you use distiller. I have found it to be quirky. When
    you installed Acrobat there is an option under custom installation (in
    later versions) that installs Adobe PDF Writer. I use PDF Writer
    exclusively, it creates a .pdf file and automatically displays it in
    adobe acrobat reader. If you select "print as image" in the print
    options, you never have any issues, and get a clean pdf output.
    I tried that blue beam once and was not impressed.

    Ur Old buddy Mike

    Michael Brusich, Feb 12, 2004
  16. Jay Guthrie

    Sporkman Guest

    Hey ol' buddy -- was glad to see you last night at the SWUG meeting.
    Have you looked at www.dispair.com yet?
    Actually Distiller came from installing Adobe PageMaker. I had no
    option to install the PDF writer that I remember.

    Sporkman, Feb 12, 2004
  17. Jay Guthrie

    Andrew Troup Guest

    There seems to be a new, but not improved culture at Adobe- I've had so much
    trouble with recent v6 Acrobat installations screwing with my OS that I've
    reverted to v4 era. In my experience it is highly unusual to strike these
    sort of problems with mainstream applications.

    Personally I much prefer, say, Win2k to WinXP. I was never a big Windows
    fan, but honour where honour is due: Win2k rocks.

    Is there any merit in a generalisation that standards of software
    reliability peaked a couple of years back, and that there is currently
    something of a decline? (Admittedly from where I sit, the web seems still to
    be increasing in reliability, despite the pressure it is under, but I wonder
    how long this can last)
    If there is a general decline in quality, I can easily guess what any
    recently displaced US software code-cruncher might put this down to !
    Nothing in real life ever seems to have only one cause, but he or she might
    have a point.

    It depresses me how much effort currently seems to go into pursuing
    interests which are not those of the end user. The software companies are
    locked in their titanic struggle for supremacy, and trying to lock us in,
    while the bad guys spew their bile across the planet in the form of spam and
    viruses. Philippe's company is a shining exception, an inspiring examplar of
    commercial decency -- I know they are relatively plentiful at that scale,
    but I wish this sense of civic responsibility would communicate itself to
    the aforementioned sectors.

    The workload of downloading security patches is becoming a major issue in a
    small office -- due to the need to babysit the firewall it is no longer
    something which can happen unattended.

    I don't know how you people are managing who've stayed on the upgrade
    treadmill with SldWks 2004- I've recovered a huge puddle of time through not
    having to run on the spot to keep abreast of SP regressions and the like,
    but increasingly it is starting to evaporate in other non-productive IT
    admin stuff.

    I simply cannot get, for instance, an nVidia driver installation which
    fulfils all the following at one time
    a) compatible with itself (each installation is invariably missing certain
    dll files which you have to crib from other versions, and the permutations
    are almost infinite. FCOL, why can't they make each issue self-sufficient,
    and make the un-install actually strip out ALL the nv dlls?)
    b) compatible with my M50 laptop's mobile q4-500 GoGL graphics card (mobile
    cards: notoriously fussy creatures, and Dell are VERY slack at releasing
    patched drivers to suit their boxes)
    c) compatible with any particular version of SldWks (in my case 2003 sp4)
    d) works sweetly with the OS (Win2k sp3)

    I frequently regress to spontaneous BSOD events on OS startup, which can
    only be cured by reinstalling the video drivers YET again, which (due to the
    missing dll) issue is a right PITA

    End of rant, my security download has finished !
    Andrew Troup, Feb 12, 2004
  18. Sporkman,
    AH! Ok I just assumed you loaded Acrobat. PDF Writer comes with
    Acrobat. Anyway yes I did look at the www.despair.com Website.
    Absolutely tongue-in-cheek Hilarious! I have to get some of their
    offerings. Thanks.

    Ur Old buddy Mike

    "If a Pretty Poster and a Cute Saying are All it Takes to Motivate
    You, You Probably Have a Very Easy Job. The Kind robots Will Be Doing
    Michael Brusich, Feb 13, 2004
  19. Jay Guthrie

    Eddy Hicks Guest

    How about this for a motivator... a Poster with a saying like "Pride is in
    what you do, not what you say - please take one" and beneath the poster is
    a box dispensing hundred dollar bills :)


    - Eddy
    Eddy Hicks, Feb 13, 2004
  20. Jay Guthrie

    kenneth b Guest

    imo, v4 works best (lean & fast). seems as though acrobat has suffered by
    adding too many bells and whistles (software turns into a pig).
    kenneth b, Feb 13, 2004
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