I am lost and need help - SW to excel and back

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by nsciortino, Jun 14, 2006.

  1. nsciortino

    nsciortino Guest

    First let me say this is my first post and I am a newbee......

    Problem I am having is that I am a self taught VB writer and the
    company I work for is too cheap to send me to any classes, I know
    enough to get me in trouble.

    SW2006 is what we are using.
    We also use a an Excel sheet that is called "Master Log"
    The master log has a column for Part numbers, discriptions, designer
    and so on.....
    What I am trying to do is create a new part in solid works and fill in
    the custom properties, then I need a macro that will copy some
    information from custom properties as in "Discriptions" and "Designer"
    and send this info to the Master Log sheet, it should fill in the next
    row available with this information then copy the part number from that
    row and send it back to the SW part I file just created and fill in the
    custom property part number row.
    I hope this makes sense
    nsciortino, Jun 14, 2006
  2. nsciortino

    SW Monkey Guest

    s as in "Discriptions" and "Designer"
    Below is some code from a custom property excel sheet I used in the
    past. We currently have a custom macro to insert propertys inside of
    SW, so I no longer use Excel.

    Hope this helps.

    Sub Macro1()
    Dim swApp As Object
    Dim Part As Object
    Dim retval As Boolean
    Dim EmptyStr As String

    Set swApp = CreateObject("SldWorks.Application")
    Set Part = swApp.ActiveDoc

    ' This macro will insert up to 100 custom doc properties into an active
    part, assembly
    ' or drawing.
    'Create an excel sheet, column A will be the custom property name,
    column B will be its value
    'Start at Row 4 (i=4)
    ' This macro will not create configuration specific doc properties.
    ' All custom doc properties are inserted as text

    i = 4
    Do While i < 103

    If Range("A" + Format(i)).Value <> EmptyStr Then
    retval = Part.DeleteCustomInfo(Range("A" + Format(i)).Value)
    retval = Part.AddCustomInfo3(EmptyStr, Range("A" +
    Format(i)).Value, 30, Range("B" + Format(i)))
    End If

    i = i + 1

    End Sub
    SW Monkey, Jun 14, 2006
  3. nsciortino

    nsciortino Guest

    Thanks, from what I am reading in this code, it says it will populate a
    SW file, or am I reading it wrong and if I am, Sorry?

    What I need is to read a SW custom property value and fill the
    information into an Excel sheet on the next available row, then pull a
    part number that is assigned to this row!

    thanks again, Nick
    nsciortino, Jun 14, 2006
  4. nsciortino

    nsciortino Guest

    What I need is to read a SW custom property value and fill the
    information into an Excel sheet on the next available row, then pull a
    part number that is assigned to this row and fill the SW custom
    property location for it!

    nsciortino, Jun 14, 2006
  5. nsciortino

    SW Monkey Guest

    Ok, I thought you need to go both ways.

    Here is some code that will extract the CP data from a document. Maybe
    you can use some of it for your custom macro.

    Dim swApp As Object
    Dim Part, ConfigMgr As Object
    Dim numConfigs, numProps As Long
    Dim vConfName, vPropName, vPropValue, vPropType, vNames As Variant
    Dim retval As Boolean
    Dim EmptyStr, StrValue As String

    ' '
    ' This macro will list all custom doc properties and configuration
    specific doc properties from parts, assemblies and drawings.

    Sub Macro3()

    Set swApp = CreateObject("SldWorks.Application")
    Set Part = swApp.ActiveDoc
    Set ConfigMgr = Part.ConfigurationManager

    Range("A3", "A1003").Value = EmptyStr: Range("B3", "B1003").Value =
    Range("C3", "C1003").Value = EmptyStr

    vNames = Part.GetCustomInfoNames2(EmptyStr)

    For n = 0 To UBound(vNames)
    StrValue = Part.GetCustomInfoValue(configuration, vNames(n))
    Range("B" + Format(n + 3)).Value = vNames(n)
    Range("C" + Format(n + 3)).Value = StrValue
    Next n

    c = n + 3

    numConfigs = Part.GetConfigurationCount()
    vConfName = Part.GetConfigurationNames()

    For i = 0 To UBound(vConfName)

    Set ConfigMgr = Part.GetConfigurationByName(vConfName(i))
    numProps = ConfigMgr.GetCustomProperties(vPropName, vPropValue,
    If numProps <> 0 Then Range("A" + Format(c)).Value = vConfName(i)
    For j = 0 To numProps - 1
    Range("B" + Format(c)).Value = vPropName(j)
    Range("C" + Format(c)).Value = vPropValue(j): c = c + 1
    Next j

    Next i

    Set Part = Nothing
    Set swApp = Nothing

    End Sub
    SW Monkey, Jun 14, 2006
  6. nsciortino

    nsciortino Guest

    Thanks again,
    You were right, I do need to go back and forth.
    SW to Excel then back to SW......
    Custom Prop info to Excel
    Then a number from Excell back to SW custom property.....

    Please do not get frustrated with me, I am not knowlegable in this very
    I am taking what you wrote so far and trying to decifer it.

    thanks again for all your time,

    nsciortino, Jun 14, 2006
  7. nsciortino

    Mr. Who Guest

    When searching for api help it is best if you are as specific as
    possible. This helps people understand your problem and offer the
    correct explanation. If possible provide a short outline like you did
    in your last post (learning already! =D).

    So your macro needs to:
    1. Read SW Custom Info
    2. Write that info to an Excel file
    3. Read Excel info
    4. Write that info to a SW File.

    To do this you need to use the api help. Think of it like a tree where
    you need to start at the top and work your way down to obtain what you

    Assuming you know how to connect to solidworks object and to get the
    active modeldoc.

    1. Use ModelDoc2::GetCustomInfoValue to retrieve the information you
    want from the file and store it in a variable. You will have to call
    this each time you want a new piece of information.

    2. Connect to Excel, you may have to launch it yourself, and open your
    master document. Make sure you have write access.

    3. Write the information to excel. Find the last available row with
    ForEach Cell in Range...
    If not "" then
    write your data
    next cell

    4. retrieve your data somehow from excel (i dont know what you are

    5. write this data to solidworks using ModelDoc2::AddCustomInfo3

    Note that the SW api calls ask you to specify a configuration. If you
    don't want the data to be configuartion specific then enter
    configuration as empty string, ""
    Mr. Who, Jun 15, 2006
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