I am absolutely not seeing my messages

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by grantmi1, Mar 23, 2005.

  1. grantmi1

    grantmi1 Guest

    I might have posted a message many times. I have tried flushing my DNS.
    Can someone email me and help?
    grantmi1, Mar 23, 2005

  2. You're probably using google. They don't get around to updating the
    displayed messages for several hours. If you want quick feedback, you should
    use another method of accessing the newsgroup. I believe that google has a
    beta newsreader that works more like what you want, but I don't know how one
    gets access to it.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Mar 23, 2005
  3. grantmi1

    P. Guest

    Google is having a bad day. Usually Google Beta is almost instantaneos, but
    not today.
    P., Mar 23, 2005
  4. grantmi1

    P. Guest

    I had a look. Google is posting but not showing new messages. So for
    example, I posted three or four times in reply to a single message and
    still can't see the response on google though my good ole' linux box and
    newserver are getting updated. I think this started a few days ago
    P., Mar 23, 2005
  5. grantmi1

    Cliff Guest

    Cliff, Mar 23, 2005
  6. grantmi1

    P. Guest

    Google Beta has been having problems. I posted, but it didn't display.
    Seems to be fixed now.
    P., Mar 23, 2005
  7. grantmi1

    Cliff Guest

    Being primarily a search engine that searches it's own
    archives sometimes they seem to be updating the archives
    which probably still adds a delay at times.
    Cliff, Mar 23, 2005
  8. grantmi1

    Dan Bovinich Guest

    I recently move my SolidWorks e-mail discussion group to GoogleGroups. You
    can e-mail the list and read online, whichever you prefer. And it is

    I hope this helps,

    Dan Bovinich, Apr 5, 2005
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