Hypershot - lack of decals

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by mbiasotti, Jun 6, 2008.

  1. mbiasotti

    mbiasotti Guest

    For those of you that have used Hypershot and also have familiarity
    with PhotoWorks can you please answer the following question:

    Are you successful using Hypershot for your production work, given the
    inability to bring decals over from your SolidWorks model?

    Thank you, in advance, for your response

    mbiasotti, Jun 6, 2008
  2. mbiasotti

    neil Guest

    greetings from down under Mr Biasotti,

    what a curious question to ask...

    I am trying to decide if you just want to tell us PW is a better solution or
    you want to know why people like Hypershot and therefore possibly what could
    be changed/augmented in PW...(?)

    seems to me many renders dont have a need for decals...and some do..

    I would say most people using it are looking for max simplicity so they are
    not so worried...

    Although PW has come a long and the 'Appearances' consolidation/integration
    is too it possibly still seems daunting to people who are not render
    artistes but hey its nothing like the process I go through to use Indigo -

    you guys ever looked at it?

    hey just putting my own plug in for a young New Zealander with talent ;o)

    neil, Jun 7, 2008
  3. mbiasotti

    neil Guest

    BTW Mark in reading through the whats new for 09 I see in my crystal ball
    some opportunities for some nice demo/tutorials from you for surfacing
    people again this release... be looking out for those.. please dont let
    marketing put makeup on you - we like it down home out here ;o)
    neil, Jun 7, 2008
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