
Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Meron, Feb 24, 2004.

  1. Meron

    Meron Guest

    I am trying to hyperlink an excel file to objects in a drawing. ie.
    data on an object is set in a particular row in excel. I need to make
    it so the data is live so that if the info is changed in spreadsheet
    the drawing hyperlink will be updated automatically.
    Meron, Feb 24, 2004
  2. Meron

    James Eaton Guest

    Hilite the excel file, pick edit, copy. Go to Autocad and pick edit, paste
    special, when the box comes up pick the % Product Enities and pick where you
    want it in your drawing. A box should come up in order for you to resize the
    spreadsheet if you need to. Mine always come in too big and have to pick one
    of the corners and drag it to make it smaller. Leave your excel sheet open
    so when you make changes to the spreadsheet in Autocad you can just check to
    see it changed on the spreadsheet and visa versa.

    This should work if my memory is correct.

    Good luck,


    James Eaton, Feb 26, 2004
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