Hyperlink Attach to Detail Bubble

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Mark Douglas, Mar 2, 2004.

  1. Mark Douglas

    Mark Douglas Guest

    Ok, Our office is trying to move to the way of attaching a Hyperlink to all
    our Detail Bubbles in our Plan work. But cant really find a easy way to do
    this? Problem being if the detail number changes down the road, how will it
    know what sheet to hyperlink to? Does anyone use this kind of system right
    now? This system would be pretty slick in DWF's.

    Thanks for any help!!!

    Mark Douglas, Mar 2, 2004
  2. Mark Douglas

    Dean Guest


    Check out 2005 literature. You might be surprised at what you find in
    relation to this issue.
    Dean, Mar 3, 2004
  3. Mark Douglas

    Mark Douglas Guest

    Im currently running 2005, And it doesn't quite work the way I need it to. I
    figured out a way to make it work

    Mark Douglas, Mar 3, 2004
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