Hurricane Batch Script Generator for AutoCAD - Update v6.1.10

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Bill K, Aug 29, 2003.

  1. Bill K

    Bill K Guest


    The new version of Hurricane Batch Script Generator for AutoCAD is now
    available for download at

    Hurricane can assist you in creating and running "Batch Scripts" to PLOT,
    PURGE, run custom lisp routines, search and replace text, update title-
    blocks, or anything else thats repetitive and boring...
    .... in a few, hundreds, or thousands of files.... as well as do a number
    of other handy things.

    Please check out the website (above), or the FAQ at

    New features include:

    New "User TAG" - "$FILECOUNTINQUEUE$".
    This will return the number of files in the file queue. This is handy if
    you want to insert a line in your script to display the progress of your
    script, add a line like below to your script:

    (setvar "modemacro" "Drawing $COUNTER$ of $FILECOUNTINQUEUE$")

    META Commands (these control the Hurricane interface from within a

    New META Commands include:

    Larger editor for the "Settings" tab.

    The "Editor" is resizable (and saves last position)

    The "Editor" has been updated to include a pulldown to list these, and
    when clicked, they get inserted with a ";" in front, and carriage return.

    A tab added to the OPTIONS screen for GUI control (just to keep
    everything from being cluttered) On this new tab, META Command
    Enable/Disable as well as "Live META", which makes the interface changes,
    AS SOON AS THE META COMMANDS ARE TYPED in. (This makes for easy debug,
    but can bring up an error prompt if you format incorrectly)

    Added a few more TAGS:
    $FILECOUNTINQUEUE$ Returns the number of files in the file queue
    $YYYY$ Returns the full year
    $YY$ Returns the two digit year
    $MM$ Returns the two digit month
    $DD$ Returns the two digit day

    Added the ability to place TAGS into the "PREBATCH, PREUSERSCRIPT,
    POSTUSERSCRIPT & POSTBATCH command areas in the SETTINGS Tab. This will
    allow you to put:

    (setvar "modemacro" "Drawing $COUNTER$ of $FILECOUNTINQUEUE$")
    in the PreUserScript area, and have an indication in AutoCAD as to your

    Bill Kishonti
    Bill K, Aug 29, 2003
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