Huge local Profile (GettingStarted & MapTut Data)

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by hutton, Mar 10, 2005.

  1. hutton

    hutton Guest

    I am also involved in getting Autodesk Map 3D 2005 rolled out in a University Lab environment (25 Windows XP PCs) where many different students are logging on to the same machine.
    One of the problems I've encountered, in addition to those that I've read here in this forum, is that the profile size weighs in at around 120 MB. A good deal of this profile is packed into the C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\My Files\ directory (two subdirectories "Getting Started Data" and MapTutData add up to around 90MB).
    The installation was prepared using the Network installment wizard and I can't seem to find a way of leaving this stuff out.
    Am I overlooking something obvious?
    Has anyone else experienced this problem?
    By the way we're using a Multi-seat Educational License and FleXLM running on an old NT 4.0 Server (German Language Version).
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Thanks in advance

    Mick Hutton
    IT Admin
    University of Applied Sciences Neubrandenburg
    hutton, Mar 10, 2005
  2. This doesn't answer your question. But,

    You'll note in the profile that many files or locations point to the
    specific users temp directory.

    Then too if AutoCAD crashes like it has a habit of doing, lots of xrefed
    copies and temp files are left behind in that personal temp folder.

    Some of our users had a 2GB temp folder because of this AutoCAD behavior.
    And then with roaming profiles this is a bit of a problem with all the extra
    logon traffic.

    I was uninterested in cleaning out individual users temp folder so I altered
    the network logon script to point everyone's temp folder to the same
    location - not in their profile: 'C:\temp'

    And altered the AutoCAD profile used to point to that folder for those
    numerous situations AutoCAD needs to place files in a temp folder.

    I'm sure someone will point out to me why doing this reversion is a bad

    But I think this setup will lessen the separate user profile footprint in
    the long run.

    I don't use Map so I don't have an answer about the map files in the
    Richard Henley, Mar 10, 2005
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