HSpice to Spectre model conversion

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by edward.hambartsumyan, Jun 12, 2008.

  1. Dear all,

    I have the transistors model for HSpice (level=54). I need the
    transient noise simulation, but unfortunately HSpice doesn’t provide
    such functinality.

    The Cadence Analog Design Environment (IC5.10.41_USR5) provides
    transient noise simulation, but Spectre doesn’t accept HSpice
    transistor models.
    So, my question is: how to convert Hspice 54 level transistor model
    into the corresponding Spectre model?

    Best Regards.
    edward.hambartsumyan, Jun 12, 2008
  2. Really? What spectre version are you using? Are you using an MMSIM version
    of spectre (MMSIM62 or MMSIM70)?

    You should be able to point to hspice models via the model libraries, and
    it should be handled natively within spectre - unless you're using an
    old spectre version (e.g. the one that comes within IC5141) - in which case
    you _could_ use the +csfe option in the usrCmdLineOptions in the
    Setup->Environment form, but that's not so good because you're using a rather
    old version of spectre which has not got recent enhancements or fixes.


    Andrew Beckett, Jun 13, 2008
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