HPGL2 component

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by TAPXYH, Nov 30, 2004.

  1. Oh come on man, let's not start that again !!

    Saludos, Ing. Jorge Jimenez, SICAD S.A., Costa Rica

    Again you're absolutely right. It must have been me...you never do anything wrong.

    Jorge Jimenez, Dec 2, 2004
  2. Hey hey , don't say that.
    I'm not ganging up on you
    with that somebody else.
    We's like having a cat and
    a mouse in the same bag.
    Jorge Jimenez, Dec 2, 2004

    HJohn Guest

    I can’t believe how much time has been wasted in a meaningless discussion. On Ed’s defense, I think his was a legitimate question. By knowing the purpose, I don’t think he wanted details; he could have been able to provide a better answer. TAPXYH replied with sarcasm, instead of simply saying that he just wanted a view or modify or whatever a PLT file. Up to here it could have been OK. My problem is with Tony and Jorge. Is Tony the God of AutoCAD customization? They did not join to provide any help or suggestion. They just showed the size of their ego. Any body can find the definition of ActiveX in the documentation. Are they member of the Discussion Group Police? If you say something they don’t like, they just come in and thrash your comments, is that it? Attitude, with good attitude and intentions you can be a better help, if that is what you want to do. By trashing other people comments, you make this discussion group useless because people would think twice before offering their help. Please keep this group simple, friendly and helpful, it would be better for us all.
    HJohn, Dec 2, 2004
  4. NOT reading the posts seems to be the problem here.
    Let's step through the posts (I will add my comments with a --->)

    TAPXYH: Is there any free HPGL/HPGL2 ActiveX component for VB/VBA
    ED: What are you trying to do?
    TAPXYH: I ask my girlfriend's hand and my future father in low ask me to
    get an
    ActiveX component for previewing a PLT file. So I'm looking...
    TAPXYH: Just kidding.
    I need that for my VB programming...

    ---> Nothing wrong with a little humor
    ---> Did you noticed he said PREVIEWING A PLT FILE ???

    BLAIR THE LAIR: Mine asked for a linetype viewer (OCX) I did not marry...

    ED: Its obvious you need it for programming, but what task do you need to

    ---> Seems like Ed skipped the part where TAPXYH says PREVIEWING A PLT FILE

    ActiveX is for objects, whereas, hpgl is a specification for a file type.
    Its like asking for an ActiveX for dwg when you need it for Autocad, the
    object that manipulates the dwg file.

    Since you are asking the wrong question, it would help us if you explained
    what you are trying to do.

    ----> Ed is coming down hard on TAPXYH but also states that ActiveX is for
    ----> So I come in to clear up Ed's misconception of ActiveX and state that
    there is nothing wrong with TAPXYHs question.

    JORGE: Ed, you seem to have the wrong definition for ActiveX
    There are many ways to define ActiveX but this one
    is simple and clear:
    "A programming methodology that was developed
    by Microsoft and can be used to isolate
    software components and build functions
    using those components"

    So there is nothing wrong in asking for an ActiveX control
    to handle HPGL files.

    -----> I don't see where I'm trashing anything here, just helping clear
    things up.
    -----> Am I calling Ed names, or saying something harsh to Ed ??

    So HJohn, why are you attacking me ?
    Jorge Jimenez, Dec 2, 2004

    Ed Jobe Guest

    Looks like I did miss the part about viewing. Guess I didn't take it
    seriously because he said it was coming from someone else. Thank you for
    pointing that out, albeit a little big late. But I still wasn't coming down
    hard. Just trying to clarify what I needed to proceed. Up to the point you
    record here, you weren't harsh. Its your comments after I accepted your
    Ed Jobe, Dec 2, 2004
  6. Ed, let's rewind the tape to see where I'm harsh to you

    Ed, you seem to have the wrong definition for ActiveX
    There are many ways to define ActiveX but this one
    is simple and clear:
    "A programming methodology that was developed
    by Microsoft and can be used to isolate
    software components and build functions
    using those components"

    So there is nothing wrong in asking for an ActiveX control
    to handle HPGL files.

    Thank you for your observations, guys. but, while you both are technically
    correct, I wasn't trying to provide a definition of ActiveX, just an analogy
    that was applicable to this case since he didn't understand my request for
    clarification of his purpose. He didn't ask for a control to "handle" or
    "access" hpgl files. In fact he didn't specify anything that he wanted to
    do. What if he wants something to translate hpgl files? If he had been more
    specific about what he wanted, both/either of you should have provided him
    with it. At least your additional comments are there for others to read.

    However, What I said is not really at odds with you either. I was speaking
    from a point of view of general practice, not theory. Your definition said,
    "can be used", whereas I was talking about what is used in a specific case.
    Generally, you won't see an ActiveX control that represents just the file
    structure of a dwg, or xls or doc (admittedly I'm stating this without doing
    an exhaustive search). But you *might* find something that *manipulates* the
    file in some way. What I was trying to draw out of him is, what manner he
    desired to manipulate an hpgl file. Without that, all I can tell him is "go
    Google it".

    ----> Again, it's because you missed the PREVIEWING THE PLT FILE bit

    He probably already Googled it
    cause there are ActiveX components
    to handle HPGL but not for free !!!

    He was asking for a free one.
    I haven't seen one.

    ----> Ed, where is the harshness here ???

    I would like to "...see an ActiveX control that represents just the file
    structure of a ... " PLT file and draws it on image/picture. I need a lawyer
    here... :)

    similar to "HatchPattern.ocx", "DwgThumbnail.ocx" where some method, say,
    <ViewHPGL2>.FileName, can be pointed to a file and be loaded in sizable
    image. I don't want to go in to whish-list details about properties and

    ----> More of his humor, what a funny guy eh ???

    I thought that's what COM is?

    ----> Everyone wants to join in the fun

    Sheesh guys. Gimme a break. No you don't need a lawyer. Your only criteria
    at first was Free ActiveX. Somewhere in the middle would be nice. For all I
    knew, you may have only wanted to delete hpgl files. I'm not a mind reader.
    When people come here asking for help with a vague request and they don't
    bother to provide any background, I don't assume what the background is. I
    don't have time to go do a ton of research if you've already done it. Half
    the time when people come here with vague questions, they don't get any
    replies. I just try to get things started by asking for some more specifics
    so we know which direction to go in when we do try to help you. If you bite
    the hand that feeds you, people will be less likely to help you with future
    requests. My other comments were directed to Jorge.

    ----> Loosing your grip here ?? Why take it out on me ???

    Sorry Ed, but you got into this mess by yourself.

    ---> Your were getting hit, but not by ME !! so this is my harshest comment
    to date.

    Again you're absolutely right. It must have been me...you never do anything

    ----> Guess who's the one making the harsh comment ???

    Oh come on man, let's not start that again !!

    Its obvious now. People come here all the time with one-liners and several
    posts later, you find out what you offered as "help" wasn't what they wanted
    at all. They just didn't know how to ask the right question, or one that
    didn't elicit unwanted/wrong answers. I didn't think it would require an NDA
    for him to say "I want to view it", which BTW is relevant. And since there
    are plenty of controls out there, which one would I have suggested without
    knowing anything about his needs? There are a lot of beginners that want to
    plot hpgl and don't know you can do it with a dos command. Providing him
    with a control may have been overkill. How was I to know without asking? I
    was only trying to be helpful. But if this is what it gets me, I'll just sit
    back and let you and Jorge offer your kind of "help".

    ----> And all because Ed didn't read the PREVIEWING comment from the

    Hey hey , don't say that.
    I'm not ganging up on you
    with that somebody else.
    We's like having a cat and
    a mouse in the same bag.

    ----> Ahh, this is where you might get a hint of where this post got all
    mixed up.
    Jorge Jimenez, Dec 2, 2004

    Ed Jobe Guest

    Excuse me if I misunderstood you. I don't know how we got on opposite sides
    of the fence, but let's just forget about past differences and shake
    hands...or whatever you do in email land?
    Ed Jobe, Dec 2, 2004
  8. We shake IPs
    It's all forgotten.
    Jorge Jimenez, Dec 2, 2004

    Owen Wengerd Guest

    We shake IPs

    Is that even allowed on a public newsgroup? <:)
    Owen Wengerd, Dec 4, 2004
  10. Oops, Anne must have been asleep !!!
    Jorge Jimenez, Dec 4, 2004
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