We are evaluating Solid works for use in our design office and have run into a problem with integration with our document management system. The system uses hpgl(2) plotfiles stored by the draughtsman when the drawing is issued. When users require a print the management system simply copies the plot file to the users favorite HP laserjet. The reason for using HPGL is that the management system can overlay stamps and such over the plotfile (eg Not For Manufacture) with a change to the database rather than having to edit the dwg. I have been able to create HPGL plotfiles using solidworks but they do not include text. It is my understanding that solidworks only support truetype fonts which seem not to be rendered into the hpgl plotfile (at least with the many drivers I've tried including winline). I notice that our old cad software Concerto (based on drawbase) has its own font directory and fonts as does autocad. Solidworks seems to rely entirely on the system fonts. (Our font of choice is romans) In summary, am I correct in thinking that soldworks only uses system TT fonts and therefore that there is an insurmountable problem with creating HPGL plotfiles with text? Mike