HPDJ 1050c Display and A2005 Plotting

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Ron Meicho, Aug 11, 2004.

  1. Ron Meicho

    Ron Meicho Guest

    I am setting up the office with A2005 and wonder if anyone has found the
    fix to get only the drawing name to show in the HP1050c display and not
    the full path?

    Ron Meicho
    Ron Meicho, Aug 11, 2004
  2. Ron Meicho

    John Schmidt Guest

    No fix...

    John Schmidt, Aug 11, 2004
  3. Ron Meicho

    jobcaptain Guest

    I found buried in few email threads dated back in April/May that when someone turned off the "display full path" in AutoCAD's Options > Open/Save it stopped sending the full path info to their HP105x device.

    For Land/Map 2005 you still need to set the driver to "plot in computer"; otherwise nothing plots from Model Space...as well as a few other problems.

    jobcaptain, Aug 13, 2004
  4. Ron Meicho

    Ron Meicho Guest

    Tried this but for my A2005.... it did not work. Might have to resort to
    turning off the plotter que and just use the network que.

    Ron Meicho
    Ron Meicho, Aug 14, 2004
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