
Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Facilities1, Dec 13, 2004.

  1. Facilities1

    Facilities1 Guest

    When we attempt to plot to an HP 8500n printer, it will only print an 8.5X11 image, even if you select 11X17 paper. All other Window software packages print correctly. The operating system is Win2000 with all appropriate SP's loaded.
    I tried to create a plotter configuration, the results were the same. Additionally, we tried to use the default "system" plotter and received the same results.
    Is there an "AutoCAD" driver for this type of printer? This may be the root of the problem.
    As an added note, when I "calibrated" the plotter, the size reverted to the appropriate scale (for the rectangle sized to 10X16).
    Facilities1, Dec 13, 2004
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