HP 600 question.

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Marshall Caudle, Feb 8, 2004.

  1. Architectural applications!

    I have acquired a used HP 600 and am in the process of setting it up to
    print directly from my computer rather than through a network. Everything
    is working except that the plotter doesn't cut the paper to the proper

    A 30x42 (E1) is cut at 40.25" when cut from a roll in plotter portrait mode.

    A 24x36 (D) is cut to 22.25" when cut from a 36" roll in plotter landscape

    Anyone have suggestions.

    I'm using AutoCAD 2004 and Windows 2000.

    Marshall Caudle, Feb 8, 2004
  2. Hi Marshall,

    I used an HP600 for years, at least r14 to 2004 and I have heard (by the
    n.g.'s) of many problems with them, as you describe as well as being unable
    to center a plot.

    I am not sure how to advise you but I will tell you how we had it set up and
    maybe something in there will help.

    Using the control panel on the plotter, we setup the plotter to use "inked
    area" and "expand" on.
    The plotter was connected to the server and installed as a windows system
    On the work stations, the plotter was installed as a windows system printer
    by browsing to the server.
    From within AutoCAD, the plotter showed up as a windows printer. Under the
    "custom properties" for the printer, we went to the "advanced" tab and
    slected the "smaller margins" options. To overcome lack of memory in the
    plotter, we would also select "process plot in computer".
    We always used specific sheet sizes when plotting, selecting 24x36 sheet
    size wheather plotting in metric or imperial. Metric A1, etc sheet sizes
    were selected when required but most (99%) of the time we plotted metric
    drawings on imperial sheets. We used specific titleblocks for each size that
    included a the sheet size as well as the border. We always plotted with a
    window selecting the sheet size and used the center plot on sheet option.
    Plotting both from Model Tab and Layout Tab, we never had any problems with
    incorrect sheet sizes or getting a plot cenered.
    When we switched to XP Pro, we just downloaded the drivers and nothing
    really changed. One thing about inked area, even when printing a window out
    of Model Tab to a 24x36 default sheet size, the plotter cut off to suit the
    size of the plotted window.

    This is all from memory as I have just changed jobs in the last 2 months and
    do not have access to the plotter anymore.

    Dave Alexander
    Keen Engineering Co. Ltd.
    Dave Alexander, Feb 8, 2004
  3. Marshall Caudle

    wfb Guest

    When I plot to my 600, I have a border setup that is 22.60 inches tall and I
    use this border for my VIEW and Plot to a view of this border. With the
    minimum leading & trailing edges it normally comes out about 24". This is
    not expanded mode.


    | Architectural applications!
    | I have acquired a used HP 600 and am in the process of setting it up to
    | print directly from my computer rather than through a network. Everything
    | is working except that the plotter doesn't cut the paper to the proper
    | dimensions.
    | A 30x42 (E1) is cut at 40.25" when cut from a roll in plotter portrait
    | A 24x36 (D) is cut to 22.25" when cut from a 36" roll in plotter landscape
    | mode.
    | Anyone have suggestions.
    | I'm using AutoCAD 2004 and Windows 2000.
    | Thanks!
    wfb, Feb 8, 2004
  4. Marshall,

    It has been awhile since I have used a DesignJet 600... so bear with me.

    As I recall you need to check the internal settings (on the plotter) and pay
    attention to the orientation, size and margin settings. (the only change we
    made from out of the box was expanded margins) Also there were some ROM
    updates to that plotter... and make sure you have the correct driver for
    your OS. Last thing I believe that the 600 doesn't support raster or did
    only if you used the Windows System Printer (can't remember was many years

    What you might want to do is reset the internal settings to the factory
    settings and work from there.

    If you are satisified with the plotter working as is, then one last thing I
    could recommend is drawing squares in 1" increments where the lower left
    hand cornera are all on 0,0 and then calibrate the plotter to make sure 1"
    is 1" and 10" is 10" etc...

    Typically we would use the software settings and I believe (and do not quote
    me) but the value was something like -0.35" to get it to print 23.65" and
    that was with expanded margins... and it would plot out and cut the paper

    You can either plot out the same group of squares (draw up to a 36" square)
    or Draw a line 0,0 0,24 and another one from 0,0 to 36,0 and plot that out
    at 1=1. This will establish where the 0,0 or origin point is on the printed
    sheet vs the screen and see where it is cutting off the lines (which should
    be the plotters maximum plotting area. Try and compare that to what the
    maximum plotting area is listed in the printer driver for that size sheet.
    I believe also that there were Oversized sheets as well as standard sheets.

    Good luck.

    Please, DO NOT send technical requests to me via private e-mail

    Tracy W. Lincoln
    Assistant Moderator - Autodesk Discussion Forums
    Tracy W. Lincoln, Feb 9, 2004
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