HP-41CV Emulator

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by Bill Dickens, Oct 28, 2003.

  1. Bill Dickens

    Bill Dickens Guest

    Bill Dickens, Oct 28, 2003
  2. Bill,

    There are 21 systems in any calculator? ...

    Seriously - it's good to see you posting again.

    Jim Barr \(Bentley\), Oct 30, 2003
  3. Bill Dickens

    Bill Dickens Guest

    Ho Jim!

    Sounds like you know what a HP calculator is and how to RPN...

    What say? Would you like to be able to have one on screen when you need it?

    Chris knows RPN. Sam probably does too. Maybe not Mark.

    Seems to me that it would be awfully nice.

    Especially using it to drive a curve.

    Thanks Jim,

    Bill Dickens, Nov 1, 2003
  4. Bill Dickens

    Mark Hamstra Guest

    Maybe not Mark.

    Pffffft! Guess again! I also know that the advantage of RPN is not
    reduced keystrokes -- often uses the same number as for
    algebraic/infix notation, and FPN/prefix notation is just as good as
    RPN/postfix in this regard.
    Mark Hamstra, Nov 1, 2003
  5. Bill Dickens

    Bill Dickens Guest

    Geez, I downloaded it and it worked... put it in with your fonts.

    Tis a sweet baby and yes RPN save keystrokes since you never have to
    insert brackets. And you can easily continue on without re-entering

    You analyze a complex formula from inside out and can save lots of
    keystrokes if the formula is complicated.

    first piece of data
    second piece of data
    third piece of data

    Unary functions are the same, obviously

    There's got to be some guys still using their HP's.
    Bill Dickens, Nov 5, 2003
  6. Bill Dickens

    Tahimik Guest


    Some Windows NT does not recognized the lcd4.ttf.
    Your alternative is to use the other supplied lcd.fon.
    Click on options>settings... and tick-off the box for True Type LCD font

    Tahimik, Nov 6, 2003
  7. Bill Dickens

    Bill Dickens Guest

    Relay from Warren:

    Yes, the newest service packs for Windows 2000 and XP did not like the
    old ttf because I had an attribute set incorrectly. It is fixed in
    the latest release.
    Bill Dickens, Nov 7, 2003
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