HP 350C plotter skips when plotting some files

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by KentB, Jul 29, 2004.

  1. KentB

    KentB Guest

    I'm having a hard time getting some drawings out. There are two layouts
    (out of 6) that will not plot correctly. The plots start normally then some
    of the drawing is missing and what is there seems to have offset or skipped
    by about 1/4" to 1/2". Not all of the lines/text move when this happens.
    It makes for a real mess of a drawing.

    I tried searching for this problem since I doubt it is new. I found to
    reset the plotter to spool the plot and wait for the last page before
    starting. No improvement there. I had already tried to not spool in the
    computer, but feed it to the plotter one line at a time - no improvement.
    Is there a driver, bug fix, work around, etc?

    Just for reference, I'm running Windows 2000 and AutoCAD 2004. The HP 350c
    is connected through a network print server to the plotter parallel port. I
    have been reducing the graphics to see if the drawing is too complex to
    plot. No improvement so far. The draing I'm testing this on is now down to
    text in tables. No blocks, no view ports, limited data to be plotted.
    KentB, Jul 29, 2004
  2. KentB

    KentB Guest

    I'm answering some of my own questions here. There was an XREF left in the
    drawing. When I removed the XREF, it plotted correctly. That same XREF is
    in the four sheets that plotted correctly the first time.

    I went back to the version of the drawing file before I started deleting
    geometry to find the problem. I can hear the problem occuring - the plotter
    runs for about a minute, then pauses, then the shifted and missing geometry
    starts appearing out of the plotter. However, there is some geometry
    missing from the area of the sheet that was printed before the plotter

    I will keep experimenting and searching for information on the web.
    KentB, Jul 29, 2004
  3. KentB

    Tozer Guest

    This might seem odd but try cleaning the cartridge head with rubbing alcohol and lubricate the cartridge carriage shaft. I experienced the same problem with an HP 250C and this solved it. The ''sliptoon'' assembly might need to be replaced, it is where the cartridge carriage stop to clean the cartridge heads at the opposite end (opposite to the start position) of your printer. It might be full of ink and doesn't clean properly the heads.

    Hope this will help
    Tozer, Jul 29, 2004
  4. KentB

    Read Guest

    Sometimes I cut my 350-c plotter off a few minutes, then restart it, if it
    has been used a lot. That actually helps sometimes. Cleaning the cartridge
    AND carriage was good advice.Your problem sounds mechanical, remember that
    machine is close to 10 years old by now.

    alcohol and lubricate the cartridge carriage shaft. I experienced the same
    problem with an HP 250C and this solved it. The ''sliptoon'' assembly might
    need to be replaced, it is where the cartridge carriage stop to clean the
    cartridge heads at the opposite end (opposite to the start position) of your
    printer. It might be full of ink and doesn't clean properly the heads.
    Read, Jul 29, 2004
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