HP 1050c queue names include path

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Tony Isenhoff, Jun 4, 2004.

  1. Equipment: HP 1050c

    Software: ADT2004 - Queue names at plotter omitted the path - GOOD!

    Software ADT2005 - Queue names at plotter INCLUDE path - BAD!

    Any suggestions why the path is now included when browsing the control panel
    of the plotter? The path is so long that the actual drawing name is omitted
    (off the screen).

    Tony Isenhoff, Jun 4, 2004
  2. Agree. Autodesk decided to pass the full path + name to the driver and this
    is used both for what you see on the plotter's display and what you see in
    the network queue. (Perhaps) good for queue management on a server,
    (definitely) bad for queue management on the plotter's control panel. I have
    heard that a new HP driver (which isn't available yet) should solve this.

    If plot-to-file + submit to the plotter later is ok for you, my new GoPlot
    (http://members.lycos.nl/goplot) can be configured to show the short name on
    the display (and the long name in the network queue for those who think they
    need that ;-)).

    Govert J. Knopper, Jun 4, 2004
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