How would you do this type of protrusion?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by njchen24, Jan 9, 2005.

  1. njchen24

    njchen24 Guest


    I am having problem to create a protrusion like this one

    Picture #2).
    It is a hollow plastic enclosure 3mm thick all around and 6mm thick
    toward the front and on the side due to the cosmetic protrusion. The
    front has a draft feature of 3°.

    If it doesn't take too much of your time, could someone give this a try
    a send me ( please replace AT with @) your file
    showing your technic?

    Effectively, I try everything I can think off (Protrusion up to
    surface, Sweep, Loft etc) and the results still have undesirable
    imperfection such as additional curves/entities in the model

    1st approach:

    Sketch profiles on the front and side plane
    ( ),
    seclect either sketch or select contour then extrude it toward the
    offset surface
    resuming in a failed features

    2nd approach:

    Sketch profiles on the front and side plane, protrude toward the front
    and side face using "Offset from surface" end condition. Create a loft
    feature for the round corner


    This technic give a representation of my design intend; however, it has
    some undesirable result due to 2 reasons:
    - unable to apply colinear constraint between sketch #38 entities and
    spline edge. Thus when the thickness of the
    front protrusion changes, the loft sketch changes in an uncontrollable


    - it is difficult to control the loft feature using the edges and
    offset edges as guide curves. The mirror loft feature will be
    sucessfull depending on the selection of these guide curves


    If anyone has a different idea or suggestion your help is greatly
    njchen24, Jan 9, 2005
  2. njchen24

    P. Guest

    What is it you are trying to do? Create another wall with some offset from
    the inner part?
    P., Jan 9, 2005
  3. hi There,

    1.Could you build it as a solid lump,
    2. put the draft on the front,
    3. then the fillets on the corners and then the feature removing the rear, top and bottom faces and
    5. select the varying wall thicknesses in the shell comand. Then could make the cuts last.


    it's sunday evening so I'm not about to do it now, but let us know how you
    get on!


    I am having problem to create a protrusion like this one

    Picture #2).
    It is a hollow plastic enclosure 3mm thick all around and 6mm thick
    toward the front and on the side due to the cosmetic protrusion. The
    front has a draft feature of 3°.

    If it doesn't take too much of your time, could someone give this a try
    a send me ( please replace AT with @) your file
    showing your technic?

    Effectively, I try everything I can think off (Protrusion up to
    surface, Sweep, Loft etc) and the results still have undesirable
    imperfection such as additional curves/entities in the model

    1st approach:

    Sketch profiles on the front and side plane
    ( ),
    seclect either sketch or select contour then extrude it toward the
    offset surface
    resuming in a failed features

    2nd approach:

    Sketch profiles on the front and side plane, protrude toward the front
    and side face using "Offset from surface" end condition. Create a loft
    feature for the round corner


    This technic give a representation of my design intend; however, it has
    some undesirable result due to 2 reasons:
    - unable to apply colinear constraint between sketch #38 entities and
    spline edge. Thus when the thickness of the
    front protrusion changes, the loft sketch changes in an uncontrollable


    - it is difficult to control the loft feature using the edges and
    offset edges as guide curves. The mirror loft feature will be
    sucessfull depending on the selection of these guide curves


    If anyone has a different idea or suggestion your help is greatly
    Lee Bazalgette, Jan 9, 2005
  4. njchen24

    Muggs Guest

    Could you post a link to the model?
    Most here (Me at least) would be more willing to take your model and try a
    fix rather than build your model from scratch.



    I am having problem to create a protrusion like this one

    Picture #2).
    It is a hollow plastic enclosure 3mm thick all around and 6mm thick
    toward the front and on the side due to the cosmetic protrusion. The
    front has a draft feature of 3°.

    If it doesn't take too much of your time, could someone give this a try
    a send me ( please replace AT with @) your file
    showing your technic?

    Effectively, I try everything I can think off (Protrusion up to
    surface, Sweep, Loft etc) and the results still have undesirable
    imperfection such as additional curves/entities in the model

    1st approach:

    Sketch profiles on the front and side plane
    ( ),
    seclect either sketch or select contour then extrude it toward the
    offset surface
    resuming in a failed features

    2nd approach:

    Sketch profiles on the front and side plane, protrude toward the front
    and side face using "Offset from surface" end condition. Create a loft
    feature for the round corner


    This technic give a representation of my design intend; however, it has
    some undesirable result due to 2 reasons:
    - unable to apply colinear constraint between sketch #38 entities and
    spline edge. Thus when the thickness of the
    front protrusion changes, the loft sketch changes in an uncontrollable


    - it is difficult to control the loft feature using the edges and
    offset edges as guide curves. The mirror loft feature will be
    sucessfull depending on the selection of these guide curves


    If anyone has a different idea or suggestion your help is greatly
    Muggs, Jan 10, 2005
  5. I am having problem to create a protrusion like this one

    Picture #2).
    It is a hollow plastic enclosure 3mm thick all around and 6mm thick
    toward the front and on the side due to the cosmetic protrusion. The
    front has a draft feature of 3°.

    Before you figure out how to make the model, I would suggest that you change
    the shape of your part. A plastic part with 6 mm and 3 mm thick walls is
    going to give you a lot of problems when you try to mold it. If you can make
    the walls a consistent 3 mm thick your molder will be much happier. So will
    your QA and purchasing departments.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Jan 10, 2005
  6. Sketch profiles on the front and side plane
    ( ),
    seclect either sketch or select contour then extrude it toward the
    offset surface
    resuming in a failed features

    You probably need to make your offset surfaces larger, so that the sketches
    for the projections are completely contained within the surfaces.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Jan 10, 2005
  7. Starting from scratch, and assuming that the geoemtery is right, I would
    make the inner box jsut like youahve it, offset its surface, use simple,
    oversized extrudes (that extend well to the outside of the offset surface)
    to get the shapes for the tops of the add on pieces, then 'Cut with the
    offset surface' to trim to the final shape.

    To add the required feature to the model you have, I would likely just loft
    them... a profile to the correct shape on the bottom (remember to intersect
    the solid, don't make it line to line), a profile to the correct shape on a
    plane for the plateau (probably have to use 'pierce' or, better yet - an
    inrtersection curve converted to construction lines - to get the upper
    profile to match the adjacent wall, and remember to avoid line-to-line on
    the side that contacts the rest of the model), then loft them together.
    It looks like you *might* have tried to loft from the right side to the
    front side, perhaps using a guide curve, and of course that would be a
    disaster. The other source of the problem you show *might* be failing to
    account for the fact that the rounded edge ought to be elliptical because of
    the way the curved face angles back relative to the top and bottom of the
    new feature - no, scratch that, I'm sure you know that an angled
    itnersection of a cylinder is an ellipse, but I am working blind here and
    can only guess (and it starts to explain some of what I see)

    The two suggestions make the following assumptions: planar, drafted faces,
    and regular fillets.

    Hope this helps - if not, a model will be necessary for anything further


    I am having problem to create a protrusion like this one

    Picture #2).
    It is a hollow plastic enclosure 3mm thick all around and 6mm thick
    toward the front and on the side due to the cosmetic protrusion. The
    front has a draft feature of 3°.

    If it doesn't take too much of your time, could someone give this a try
    a send me ( please replace AT with @) your file
    showing your technic?

    Effectively, I try everything I can think off (Protrusion up to
    surface, Sweep, Loft etc) and the results still have undesirable
    imperfection such as additional curves/entities in the model

    1st approach:

    Sketch profiles on the front and side plane
    ( ),
    seclect either sketch or select contour then extrude it toward the
    offset surface
    resuming in a failed features

    2nd approach:

    Sketch profiles on the front and side plane, protrude toward the front
    and side face using "Offset from surface" end condition. Create a loft
    feature for the round corner


    This technic give a representation of my design intend; however, it has
    some undesirable result due to 2 reasons:
    - unable to apply colinear constraint between sketch #38 entities and
    spline edge. Thus when the thickness of the
    front protrusion changes, the loft sketch changes in an uncontrollable


    - it is difficult to control the loft feature using the edges and
    offset edges as guide curves. The mirror loft feature will be
    sucessfull depending on the selection of these guide curves


    If anyone has a different idea or suggestion your help is greatly
    Edward T Eaton, Jan 11, 2005
  8. njchen24

    njchen24 Guest

    Thank you all for your suggestion and help.

    Hang tight everyone, I will host the part file as soon as I figure out
    how to do it.

    Jerry: The part is already molded but I am unable to model it on the
    computer. Argh! I am so vexed and frustrated.
    njchen24, Jan 14, 2005
  9. njchen24

    njchen24 Guest

    njchen24, Jan 19, 2005
  10. njchen24

    njchen24 Guest

    njchen24, Jan 19, 2005
  11. njchen24

    njchen24 Guest

    njchen24, Jan 19, 2005
  12. njchen24

    njchen24 Guest

    njchen24, Jan 19, 2005
  13. njchen24

    njchen24 Guest

    njchen24, Jan 19, 2005
  14. njchen24

    njchen24 Guest

    njchen24, Jan 19, 2005
  15. njchen24

    Muggs Guest

    Muggs, Jan 19, 2005
  16. njchen24

    neil Guest

    I presume you don't want that small triangular face around the front corner
    and the odd fillet?
    presently you have used the bases geometry as a reference for the loft but
    that does not take into account the draft.
    what I did was to use a loft between end profiles sketched on the swept boss
    faces and a guide curve referenced to the base- this made a nice continuous
    then I picked my fillet sections one by one rather than use the tangent
    because of this change there were some other minor things to update
    if you like I will email it back to you
    neil, Jan 19, 2005
  17. Paul Salvador, Jan 19, 2005
  18. njchen24

    Muggs Guest

    Yo! njchen. How 'bout a little feedback!
    Did it work for you? Is it what you wanted? Is it crap?

    Muggs, Jan 21, 2005
  19. njchen24

    njchen24 Guest

    Thank you all for your help.

    I have been sicked lately and haven't been able to do any computing
    work. I will d/l you models today and will keep you inform ASAP.
    njchen24, Jan 24, 2005
  20. njchen24

    Muggs Guest

    Yeah, I've been sick as well.
    I should have figured as much. Sorry for the pseudo flame.

    Muggs, Jan 25, 2005
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