How to write lisps and scripts?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by mary_eatinger, Sep 22, 2004.

  1. How did all of you learn to write lisps and scripts. Is there a good book or online class or tutorial?

    I know with scripts you're supposed to just type what you would type at the command line, but sometimes that doesn't work. I want to learn how to do this but I don't know where to start!

    Thanks in advance
    mary_eatinger, Sep 22, 2004
  2. mary_eatinger

    Dan Allen Guest

    scripts were basically autocad help & trial and error

    web resources:


    simple lisp:

    the command line, but sometimes that doesn't work. I want to learn how to do
    this but I don't know where to start!
    Dan Allen, Sep 22, 2004
  3. mary_eatinger

    Rad_Cadder Guest

    I started writing Lisp routines using the Autocad Release 13 Customization Guide. It covers macros, diesel, scripts, menus, dcl, as well as all Lisp commands. I have also found the vlide help file a great source of information for the beginner. A good website for the beginning Lisper is, they have some great tutorials.
    Good luck!
    Rad_Cadder, Sep 22, 2004
  4. Thanks. I'll give these a try.
    mary_eatinger, Sep 23, 2004
  5. mary_eatinger

    Steve Adams Guest

    There used to be a book called "Inside Autolisp" which liked a lot.

    the command line, but sometimes that doesn't work. I want to learn how to do
    this but I don't know where to start!
    Steve Adams, Sep 23, 2004
  6. mary_eatinger

    Tom Smith Guest

    From the supplied documentation, and trial and error.

    Nowadays I'd recommend the website for samples and tutorials,
    but it didn't exist back then.
    Tom Smith, Sep 23, 2004
  7. mary_eatinger

    Rad_Cadder Guest

    Back when???
    Rad_Cadder, Sep 23, 2004
  8. mary_eatinger

    Tom Smith Guest

    Release 9. Maybe afralisp did exist then, but it was long before I or anyone
    else I knew had an internet connection. When I got online, the single best
    source was the old Compuserve forum which this newsgroup eventually grew
    Tom Smith, Sep 24, 2004
  9. mary_eatinger

    Rad_Cadder Guest

    Maybe I missed something?
    Who mentioned anything about afralisp being around at anytime other than right now?
    Who mentioned anything about release 9?
    Rad_Cadder, Sep 24, 2004
  10. mary_eatinger

    BillZ Guest

    AutoLisp Programming by Rawls & Hagen

    Then I met these guys at the NG and now I don't need anything else.

    BillZ, Sep 24, 2004
  11. mary_eatinger

    Tom Smith Guest

    Maybe I missed something?
    Well, I mentioned those things in reply to a question from you. Let's

    I said in response to the original post:
    "From the supplied documentation, and trial and error.
    Nowadays I'd recommend the website for samples and tutorials,
    but it didn't exist back then."

    And you asked me:
    "Back when???"

    I took your reply at face value, as being a direct question on the time
    frame in which I learned lisp, and afralisp didn't exist, as far as I know.
    So I replied:
    "Release 9. Maybe afralisp did exist then, but it was long before I or
    anyone else I knew had an internet connection. When I got online, the single
    best source was the old Compuserve forum which this newsgroup eventually
    grew from."

    I apologize for any misunderstanding. Perhaps you can rephrase your question
    if there was something different that you intended to ask me.
    Tom Smith, Sep 24, 2004
  12. mary_eatinger

    Rad_Cadder Guest

    In my original reply:
    Re: How to write lisps and scripts?
    I started writing Lisp routines using the Autocad Release 13 Customization Guide. It covers macros, diesel, scripts, menus, dcl, as well as all Lisp commands. I have also found the vlide help file a great source of information for the beginner. A good website for the beginning Lisper is, they have some great tutorials.
    Good luck!

    I mentioned that I started lisp using the Acad 13 Custimization Guide. I didn't start writing lisp until after the release of Acad14.

    Sorry about the timeframe confusion.

    Also, I was just mentioning afralisp was a good source, not that it existed back in the day.

    Hope this helps!
    Rad_Cadder, Sep 24, 2004
  13. mary_eatinger

    Tom Smith Guest

    We seem to agree, we've all learned as best we could using the tools available at the time. The supplied documentation is indispensible, and afralisp is one of the friendliest sources available today.

    "Trial and error" is basically how we all learn, I think -- just get in there and fool around with it. Having working examples as a starting point is a big help.

    It was a little harder in olden times, when the manual was hardcopy, your editor was a DOS app, and you were running a screaming 25 MHz 386 with 4MB of RAM. But we figured it out anyway! Those who care to learn will always find a way.

    Best regards,
    Tom Smith, Sep 25, 2004
  14. mary_eatinger

    OLD-CADaver Guest

    << running a screaming 25 MHz 386 with 4MB of RAM.>>

    You lucky dog, you. Try 0.4 MHz on an 8088 processor with 512K ram, and the only editor available was EDLIN.
    OLD-CADaver, Sep 25, 2004
  15. mary_eatinger

    Tom Smith Guest

    You lucky dog, you. Try 0.4 MHz on an 8088 processor with 512K ram, and
    the only editor available was EDLIN.

    LOL This was after we upgraded from the 286 machines running version 2.6
    with 1MB of RAM, of which DOS could only address 640K. I also fought with
    EDLIN & at that time it was just too cumbersome to try to learn lisp with
    it. On the 386 machines I ran the old MS text editor named ME which came
    with their compilers. It was a wonderfully simple, highly configurable text
    editor which I never gave up till Windows and Notepad came along.
    Tom Smith, Sep 27, 2004
  16. mary_eatinger

    DaveS Guest

    In 1987 I ran AutoCAD 2.6 on a 286-12 under Windows. I could flip out and
    edit in notepad, then flip back to AutoCAD and try it out. I'm not sure,
    but it may have been Windows 1. :O)

    Have fun,
    DaveS, Sep 27, 2004
  17. mary_eatinger

    Tom Smith Guest

    That would have been Windows 1.0, and I can only imagine how slow and
    unstable that must have been! AutoCAD alone was bad enough back then. The
    tiny little ME editor I used would pop up instantly, and I ran it in a DOS
    shell from Acad. Had an F key assigned to running the editor, and it would
    default to the the last file opened automatically. Edit, save, close, run
    the lisp, then pop it up again. It was effectively the same as flipping over
    to notepad.
    Tom Smith, Sep 27, 2004
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