How to write all dc operating point data from the simulation result ?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by chankamhung, Feb 28, 2008.

  1. chankamhung

    chankamhung Guest


    How do you print dc operating point data of all components (Mxx) from
    the simulation result ?

    for example :
    the output of

    temp = pv("/I0/M0" "vds" ?result "dcOpInfo-info")
    printf("The vds is %3.6f\n" temp)

    only print the vds of /I0/M0

    How can I write a loop to display all /Ixx/Mxx ?

    Thanks, Eric
    chankamhung, Feb 28, 2008
  2. chankamhung

    Riad KACED Guest

    Hi Eric,

    These are some examples I have already experienced with ocean :

    ==> It will print the following in my case :
    ("bsim3v3" "capacitor" "inductor" "isource" "resistor" "vsource")

    Which means that my design contains devices of type "bsim3v3"
    "capacitor" "inductor" ....
    That's the same info you get from spectre within the 'Circuit
    Inventory' in the Log file:

    If I type the following :

    outPort = outfile("./MyRkResults.txt")
    report(?output outPort ?type "bsim3v3" )
    this will dump all the OP points for all the bsim3v3 devices into the
    file MyRkResults.txt. The outputs looks like :

    Type : bsim3v3
    ids = 818.7p isub =
    144.4z vgs = 531.8m
    vds = 1.268 vbs =
    -923.4m vgb = 1.455
    vdb = 2.191 vgd =
    -735.7m vth = 1.004
    vdsat = 59.27m vfbeff =
    nan gm = 22.59n
    gds = 522.9p gmbs =
    4.665n betaeff = 40.94m
    cjd = 82.67f cjs =
    99.04f qb = -115.3f
    qg = 113f qd =
    11.8f qbd = -216.5f
    qbs = -102.6f cgg =
    66.55f cgd = -15.77f
    cgs = -19.47f cgb =
    -31.31f cdg = -16.91f
    cdd = 15.78f cds =
    1.361f cdb = -232.9a
    csg = -19.15f csd =
    -27.21a css = 19.53f
    csb = -349.3a cbg =
    -30.49f cbd = 18.93a
    cbs = -1.419f cbb =
    31.89f ron = 1.548G
    id = 818.7p is =
    -818.7p ibulk = -616.6a
    ibs = -308.2a ibd =
    -308.4a pwr = 1.038n
    gmoverid = 27.6 cgsovl =
    17.49f cgdovl = 15.8f
    cgbovl = 93.2a i1 =
    818.7p i3 = -818.7p
    i4 = -616.6a gbd =
    3.129a gbs = 0
    vgsteff = 452.2n qinv =
    254.3u igd = 0
    igs = 0 igb =
    0 igcs = 0
    igcd = 0 region =
    0 reversed = 0
    type = 0

    /I0/M1 .....

    If for example you are interested in a given parameter for all
    devices, you can try something like

    report(?output outPort ?type "bsim3v3" ?param "vth")

    Will print :

    Type : bsim3v3

    /I0/M0 : vth = 1.004
    /I0/M1 : vth = 1.014
    /I0/M2 : vth = 836.7m
    /I0/M3 : vth = 836.7m

    I think you can even use : report(?output outPort ?type "bsim3v3" ?
    param '("vth" "vgs" "ids")) if you want to print a list of parameters.

    Hope this will Help ....

    Any other ideas folks ?

    Riad KACED.
    Riad KACED, Feb 28, 2008
  3. chankamhung

    chankamhung Guest

    Hi Riad,

    Thank you for for great help !

    I would also like to ask if I want to do some calculate becore
    printing out the result, what should I do ?
    What I want to do is calculate (vgs-vth) and (vds-vdsat) then check
    them >100mV or not,
    I want to print the device that without enough margin only.

    Also, I am doing the simulation with different corners. I need to copy
    the code again and again in the ocean file for all that corner.
    For example: (ss tt ff) x (2.7V 3V 3.6V) x (105oC 27oC -25oC) they
    are 27 pieces of code, any other clever way to do so ?

    Thanks again!
    chankamhung, Feb 29, 2008
  4. chankamhung

    S. Badel Guest

    Hi Riad,
    You can easily iterate using the outputs() function, as in

    foreach( device outputs(?result "dcOpInfo")
    vgs_vth = OP(device "vgs") - OP(device "vth")
    ;; etc...

    S. Badel, Feb 29, 2008
  5. chankamhung

    Riad KACED Guest

    Hi Eric,

    I'm pretty sure there is a clever way to do this job.
    I'm proposing a solution here but I can't guarantee it is the best

    The idea is to create lists for each thing you want to sweep and the
    run it within nested foreach instructions.
    Skill works very well with lists.

    these are bits of codes you can use in your script.
    You can find lots of examples about ocean scripting in your Cadence
    install dir :

    myCornersList=list("typ" "FF" "SS" "FS" "SF")
    myVinList=list(2.7 3 3.6)
    myTempList=(105 27 -25)

    and then run your design with netsed foreach loops, something like

    ; 1st loop for temprature sweep
    foreach( myTemp myTempList
    temp( myTemp )
    ;; Add what you want to add

    ; 2nd loop for corner sweep
    foreach( myCorner myCornersList
    sprintf( myModel "%s%s" mySpiceMoelsPath myCorner ) ; This is an
    path(mymodel) ; This is an example
    ;; Add what you want to add

    ; 3rd loop for voltage sweep
    foreach( myVin myVinList
    desVar("vin" myVin) ; This is an example
    ;; Your core functions
    run() ; This is an example
    ;; Other stuffs if needed
    ); myTemp
    ); myCorner
    ); myVin

    Good luck and enjoy your Week End !

    Riad KACED, Feb 29, 2008
  6. chankamhung

    chankamhung Guest

    Hi Raid,

    Thank you for your help, the loop work great! However, I still have a
    minor model path problem in the loop, my spice models are as

    "/data/........./Spectre/L35_33.scs" "tt" ;(for MOS)
    "/data/ ........./Spectre/Res.scs" "typ" ;(for resistor)
    "/data/ ........./Spectre/...... ;(for caps)

    I follow you code, then I write:

    myCornersList=list("typ" "FF" "SS" "FS" "SF")

    foreach( myCorner myCornersList
    sprintf( myModel "%s%s" mySpiceMoelsPath myCorner )

    after that, the MOS model library cannot be found during simulation.
    What's wong is it ? Thank you again!
    chankamhung, Mar 4, 2008
  7. chankamhung

    Riad KACED Guest

    Hi Eric,

    Yes indeed, it does not work since my corner file is slightly
    different from yours.
    In your case, I would advice the use of the corner analysis commands :
    cornerDesVar/cornerMeas/cornerRun ...
    Please look at the Cadence ocean documentation, Chapter 11 Advanced
    As I mentioned above, a good example of using these functions is given
    in your Cadence install dir :

    1. You have to define the "modelFile" in your main ocean script :
    '("/data/........./Spectre/L35_33.scs" "tt")
    '("/data/ ........./Spectre/Res.scs" "typ")
    2. Create a corner analysis set in a .pcf file, something like (That's
    an example of the .pcf file from the Cadence Examples):
    ; File starts here
    corAddProcess( "multipleModelLib" "./CORNERS/multipleModelLib"
    'multipleModelLib )
    corAddProcessVar( "multipleModelLib" "vdd" )
    corAddProcessVar( "multipleModelLib" "vss" )
    corAddDesignVar( "Cload" )
    corAddGroupAndVariantChoices( "multipleModelLib" "pmosLib.scs"
    '("slow" "nom" "fast") )
    corAddGroupAndVariantChoices( "multipleModelLib" "nmosLib.scs"
    '("slow" "nom" "fast") )

    corAddCorner( "multipleModelLib" "slowslow" )
    corSetCornerGroupVariant( "multipleModelLib" "slowslow" "nmosLib.scs"
    "slow" )
    corSetCornerGroupVariant( "multipleModelLib" "slowslow" "pmosLib.scs"
    "slow" )
    corSetCornerNomTempVal( "multipleModelLib" "slowslow" 27 )
    corSetCornerRunTempVal( "multipleModelLib" "slowslow" 125 )
    corSetCornerVarVal( "multipleModelLib" "slowslow" "Cload" "260f" )
    corSetCornerVarVal( "multipleModelLib" "slowslow" "vss" "-2.7" )
    corSetCornerVarVal( "multipleModelLib" "slowslow" "vdd" "2.7" )
    ; File ends here

    FYI, file nmosLib.scs looks like :
    ; File starts here
    library pmosLib
    section nom
    include "../pmos/typ/pmos.scs"
    section fast
    include "../pmos/fast/pmos.scs"
    ; File ends here

    2. You have then to load your .pcf file into your main ocean script :
    loadPcf( "myPath/myPcfFile.pcf" )

    3. Run the corner analysis from your main ocean script:

    Give it a try like this and it should work.
    Please look at the examples in your Cadence stream, they are very
    helpful !

    Riad KACED, Mar 5, 2008
  8. chankamhung

    chankamhung Guest

    Hi Riad,

    It is really helpful to look at the examples in the Cadence stream.
    Thank you for your reply and recommendation.

    On the other hand, I would like to have some example for the skill
    script. I want to modify the width of all pmos and nmos cell to their
    double in the opened schematic. How could it be done ?

    Thank you again!
    chankamhung, Mar 6, 2008
  9. chankamhung

    Riad KACED Guest

    Riad KACED, Mar 6, 2008
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