How to use Publish

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by gw84a, Aug 31, 2006.

  1. gw84a

    gw84a Guest

    I have not found a good, complete, step-by-step description of how to
    use Publish.

    So I figured it out and wrote down the procedure.

    Posting it because I had a good day today and feel like sharing the
    knowledge :)


    The constraints are:

    1. Generally speaking, PUBLISH is for printing multiple SHEETS of
    multiple DRAWINGS at the touch of
    a button.
    2. When I say SHEET I mean the MODEL tab and/or the LAYOUT tab of a
    When I say DRAWING I mean file, like a DWG or a DXF file, or any
    compatible drawing format.
    4. Each SHEET must have only one area-to-print-the-extents-of on it.
    For example, if you have multiple drawings SIDE-BY-SIDE on one LAYOUT
    tab, you must divide them up into different tabs to use PUBLISH. If you
    don't want to divide them up, create a VIEW for each area-to-print
    first, and print them one at a time, instead of using PUBLISH, not
    quite as fast but still pretty quick.



    Before using Publish, you must do a fairly complicated one-time
    two-step setup:
    1. Create a custom plot configuration file, which will reside here:.
    C:\Documents and Settings\YourUserName\Application
    Data\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2005\R16.1\enu\plotters\YourPlotterName.pc3

    2. Create a drawing Template, whose sheet has its Layout Initialized
    to the custom plot configuration file above, and contains the Page
    Setup you will Import later. The Template will reside here:
    C:\Documents and Settings\YourUserName\Local Settings\Application
    Data\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2005\R16.1\enu\Template\Plot_36_14.dwt

    Once everything is setup, Publish works like a charm, printing 1 or 100
    (don't know what the limit is) drawings at the touch of a button.

    Optionally, make sure there are no unneeded .PC3 files in "C:\Documents
    and Settings\... ... ...\Application Data\Autodesk\AutoCAD



    In this example, we're plotting to a 36" roll as a 36"x14" paper size.

    1. Create a custom plot configuration file

    Open any DWG (or DXG, etc) file.
    File > Plot >
    The Plot - Model popup window opens.
    Select a Plotter.
    If the Paper Size Not Found popup appears, select Use Default paper
    size (it doesn't matter, you'll customize it next anyway)
    Select Properties
    The Plotter Configuration Editor - YourPlotterName popup window opens.
    Device and Document Settings > Custom Properties >
    The YourPlotterName on Properties popup window opens.
    Paper > Application Media Size > select Custom (... ...)
    Select the Media Sizes button
    width 36, height 14, Media Mapping 36" Roll > OK
    The Plotter Configuration Editor - YourPlotterName popup window
    Select OK.
    The Changes to a Printer Configuration File popup window appears.
    The pathname is in the form of
    C:\Documents and Settings\YourUserName\Application
    Data\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2005\R16.1\enu\plotters\
    Edit the filename, at the end of the pathname, to say something like
    Select Save Changes to the following file. Select OK.
    The Plot - Model popup window reappears.
    CHECK What to Plot > Extents
    CHECK Fit To Paper
    CHECK Center Plot
    Plot Style Table Pen > monochrome.ctb (there is a right-arrow in the
    lower left-hand side of the popup that opens up the More Options pane)
    Under Page Setup select Add.
    Name page setup name: Setup_36_14
    Select Apply To Layout.
    Select Cancel.

    2. Create a drawing Template

    Save file as a Drawing Template:
    File > Save As > Files of type > AutoCAD Drawing Template (*.dwt)
    Filename > Plot_36_14
    File > Close

    3. Publish

    Open the DXF file that contains the first sheet.
    File > Publish >
    UNCHECK Layout Tab
    + (add sheets)
    Select Drawings > highlight every sheet except the first one > Select
    CTRL-A to highlight every sheet listed in the Publish Popup Window
    Page Setup > Import > Plot_36_14.dwt > select Import
    Imported Setup_36_14.dwt
    Remove unwanted sheets from list.
    Make sure sheet list sequence is top first, bottom last.
    Select the right-hand side button to Reverse Print Order.
    Select Publish
    gw84a, Aug 31, 2006
  2. You missed the "how to draw a line" epic?
    Michael Bulatovich, Aug 31, 2006
  3. gw84a

    jojo Guest

    I really do wish there were a way to select different views.

    My plan has 6 different exterior elevations.
    Normally I have 4 tabs, with 6 views on each tab, but to use
    publish and/or sheet sets, I'll need to convert all of that to 24 tabs for
    the elevations alone.

    That is a pain.

    jojo, Aug 31, 2006
  4. Since they went multiple-paperspace, the unnecessary built-in assumption has
    been one page per 'layout'. What is to be gained by segregating individual
    sheets is beyond me. The advantages of grouping them seem numerous and
    fairly obvious.
    Michael Bulatovich, Aug 31, 2006
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