how to use pruneDevice for pmos4

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Ck seok, Dec 1, 2003.

  1. Ck seok

    Ck seok Guest

    In divaLVS rule file, I added "pruneDevice(MOS ("pmos4" "nmos4")) to prune
    dummy transistors.

    I mean that dummy transistors are transistors with D, G and S connected

    "Mos4"s with drain, source, gate and bulk connected altogether were pruned.
    However, mos with only drain, source and gate connected altogether was not

    How can I prune those dummy transistors?

    One more thing. Are there any other reasons we use dummy
    transistors except "etching issue"?
    Ck seok, Dec 1, 2003
  2. Ck seok

    G Vandevalk Guest

    pruneDevice can omly be used with devices that have all nodes shorted

    MOSFETS are often used as capacitors (i.e. S & D shorted, G to BULK is
    the capacitor.)
    or simply as TURNED OFF MOSFETS (i.e. G shorted to BULK) Both of these
    devices are
    often treated by circuit designer as being something other than MOSFETS.

    The S/D shorted mosfets can be extrated as separate devices. (do not use
    the physical keyword
    and code both cases as device lines to separate devices.

    Also an odd formed mosfet can be created by a Y shaped gate. This should
    be avoided or declared evil.


    -- Gerry
    G Vandevalk, Dec 1, 2003
  3. Ck seok

    Ethan Dawe Guest

    Dummy devices may also be added to be used as a "spare." During a metal spin
    it could be rewired to nearby parrallel devices.

    Ethan Dawe, Dec 3, 2003
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