how to use awd to view spectre command line simulation results

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Allen, Oct 27, 2005.

  1. Allen

    Allen Guest

    I've done some simulation using spectre command line with some
    parameters sweeping. When I view the simulation results using AWD, I
    can only find the result for the last value of the parameter that I
    swept. Could anyone tell me how to find the results for other parameter
    values? Maybe I didn't use "sweep" function properly? Thans.
    Allen, Oct 27, 2005
  2. I can't see why this shouldn't work. Are you using the middle-mouse->Create ROF
    over the psf directory name in order to create the "Run Object File" that AWD

    Note, this is not needed if you're using the newer wavescan tool.

    Andrew Beckett, Oct 30, 2005
  3. Allen

    Allen Guest

    Yes, I've been trying both tools (AWD and Wavescan) and I was able to
    get the results. However I've been using "Sweep" function, I can only
    find the result for the last value, say, I sweep inductance from 1nH to
    10nH, after the simulation I can only find the result for the
    simulation with 10nH inductor. Could you please tell me how to get the
    result for other values? Thanks.
    Allen, Oct 31, 2005
  4. I can't see why this wouldn't work. Similar things work fine for me. Can you
    post the netlist, or a simplified form of the netlist?

    Andrew Beckett, Oct 31, 2005
  5. Allen

    Allen Guest

    Hi Andrew,
    Here is a simiplified version of my netlist. When I run the sumulation
    I typed "spectre input.scs", please let me know if you have any
    suggesstion. Thanks a lot.

    simulator lang=spectre
    global 0
    parameters indu=1n
    include "/home/dai/6HP/models/spectre/definitions.scs"
    include "/home/dai/6HP/models/spectre/design.scs"
    include "/home/dai/6HP/models/spectre/process.scs"
    include "input_CMOSLNA_modified.scs_new"

    R29 (net064 0) resistor r=50 m=1
    R28 (net096 net074) resistor r=59.9m m=1
    R27 (net0002 net072) resistor r=3.2m m=1
    C29 (net0002 0) capacitor c=183f m=1
    V11 (net0999 0) vsource type=pwl wave=[0 0 50p 0 51p 10m 101p 10m 102p
    R26 (net075 net049) resistor r=59.9m m=1
    R_PCB0 (net068 net0001) resistor r=1m m=1
    R25 (net0001 net051) resistor r=3.2m m=1
    C28 (net0001 0) capacitor c=183f m=1
    R16 (net155 net74) resistor r=3.2m m=1
    R18 (net0003 net76) resistor r=3.2m m=1
    R_PCB3 (0 net0003) resistor r=1m m=1
    C23 (net0003 net0003) capacitor c=183f m=1
    C19 (net0003 net0003) capacitor c=183f m=1
    R14 (net0003 net82) resistor r=3.2m m=1
    R23 (net068 net0999) resistor r=50 m=1
    R17 (net133 net78) resistor r=59.9m m=1
    R19 (net81 net80) resistor r=59.9m m=1
    R15 (net85 net84) resistor r=59.9m m=1
    R13 (net155 net88) resistor r=3.2m m=1
    R5 (net147 net90) resistor r=59.9m m=1
    L33 (net072 net096) inductor l=89.000p m=1
    L32 (net074 net169) inductor l=indu m=1
    L32 (net074 net169) inductor l=5n m=1
    L31 (net051 net075) inductor l=89.000p m=1
    L30 (net049 net112) inductor l=indu m=1
    L27 (net78 net98) inductor l=indu m=1
    L29 (net76 net81) inductor l=89.000p m=1

    L28 (net80 net104) inductor l=indu m=1
    L25 (net84 net104) inductor l=indu m=1

    L26 (net74 net133) inductor l=89.000p m=1
    L23 (net88 net147) inductor l=89.000p m=1
    L24 (net82 net85) inductor l=89.000p m=1
    L15 (net90 net98) inductor l=indu m=1
    C26 (net096 0) capacitor c=70f m=1
    C24 (net075 0) capacitor c=70f m=1
    C20 (net133 0) capacitor c=70f m=1
    C21 (net155 0) capacitor c=183f m=1
    C22 (net81 0) capacitor c=70f m=1
    C18 (net85 0) capacitor c=70f m=1
    C9 (net147 0) capacitor c=70f m=1
    C17 (net155 0) capacitor c=183f m=1
    V0 (net0004 0) vsource dc=2.5 type=dc
    R_PCB4 (net155 net0004) resistor r=1m m=1
    // ---------------------------------------
    indu_sweep sweep param=indu values=[1n 3n 5n 7n 9n]

    simulatorOptions options reltol=1e-3 vabstol=1e-6 iabstol=1e-12 temp=27
    tnom=27 scalem=1.0 scale=1.0 gmin=1e-12 rforce=1 maxnotes=5
    maxwarns=5 \
    digits=5 cols=80 pivrel=1e-3 ckptclock=1800 \
    tran tran stop=15n write="spectre.ic" writefinal="spectre.fc" \
    annotate=status maxiters=5
    finalTimeOP info what=oppoint where=rawfile
    modelParameter info what=models where=rawfile
    element info what=inst where=rawfile
    outputParameter info what=output where=rawfile
    designParamVals info what=parameters where=rawfile
    saveOptions options save=allpub
    Allen, Nov 1, 2005
  6. What happen if you do:

    indu_sweep sweep param=indu values=[1n 3n 5n 7n 9n] {
    tran tran stop=15n write="spectre.ic" writefinal="spectre.fc" \
    annotate=status maxiters=5

    Use resultbrowser in awd and click with left button on the wanted signal
    of *any* sweep run to bring up the calculator. press the plot or erplot
    buttons and the calculator will plot your wave family.
    Svenn Are Bjerkem, Nov 2, 2005
  7. Allen

    Allen Guest

    Hi Svenn,

    That worked. Thanks a lot.

    Allen, Nov 5, 2005
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