how to use "adc_dnl_8bit" for DNL simulation?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by wjcndyd, May 25, 2005.

  1. wjcndyd

    wjcndyd Guest

    I'm wondering if there are detailed documentation for the usage of
    adc_dnl_8bit... Thanks!
    wjcndyd, May 25, 2005
  2. Did you read the comments at the top of the Verilog-A code? (in the veriloga
    view of this cell in ahdlLib). It seemed reasonably clear to me..

    Broadly speaking, this block generates the clock pulse and voltage input for
    the ADC under test, and then the output of the ADC is fed back into the
    adc_dnl_8bit block. It sweeps the input voltage level, does a number of
    conversions, and uses the results to calculate DNL.
    Various parameters control the voltage levels, timing etc.


    Andrew Beckett, May 25, 2005
  3. wjcndyd

    wjcndyd Guest

    Dear Andrew (and others),

    Thank you so much for your quick reply!! Since I'm fairly new to this,
    I still have a few things which are not clear.

    1. You mentioned "this block generates the clock pulse and voltage
    input for
    the ADC under test". But I remembered in the adc_dnl_8bit block, vout
    is the only output, and vclk is supposed to be an input terminal, how
    could we feed these two into the ADC under test?

    2. What I was doing is, I use a ramp source as the input for the
    ADC_under_test, whose outputs go into adc_dnl_8bit block, and I use a
    clock source to feed into the both blocks (ADC_under_test and
    adc_dnl_8bit block), but I keep getting error: the net29 (i.e., vclk of
    adc_dnl_8bit block):p forms a rigid loop (shorts) when added to circuit
    (Vclk: 0). Could you advise what's wrong here?

    3. What exactly is the output of adc_dnl_8bit block? How can we get the
    DNL plot directly out of it?

    Many thanks! Your help will save me days of time, so I really
    appreciate your previous time!
    wjcndyd, May 25, 2005
  4. No, vclk is an output as well. The model itself doesn't actually define pin
    directions, but if you look in the code, there's a contribution for the vclk

    V(vclk) <+ transition(vclk_val,0,30u,30u);

    Ah, I see the problem. The pin on the symbol is an input pin. Well, it
    shouldn't be, and that's a bug. I'll file a PCR for that.

    So, connect it up as if it were an output, and ignore the schematic
    checker warning about you having a floating net.

    If you're really worried, take a copy of the cell and change the pin direction
    on the symbol of the vclk pin.
    Well, this is because the V(vclk) contribution above is a voltage source, and
    you're shorting it out with another voltage source. Which isn't allowed (not
    without lots of sparks!).
    It doesn't plot DNL - but prints it out. Look in the code, it's pretty
    Andrew Beckett, May 25, 2005
  5. I filed PCR 802181 to get this pin direction corrected.

    Andrew Beckett, May 25, 2005
  6. wjcndyd

    keylinme Guest

    What is adc_dnl_8bit?
    Is it IP that Cadence do provide?
    Or is it IEEE IP?
    Or what?
    keylinme, May 26, 2005
  7. wjcndyd

    wjcndyd Guest

    Thank you, Andrew!

    After played around it for a while, I think I'm getting close there.
    Here is another question.

    Regardless how I change the values in the CDF form of the blocks, the
    values actually never change. I have to go into the source file to edit
    them. Could this be a bug?

    Also, where's the default location for the log file? Is input.dat under
    netlist/ the correct result file?

    Many thanks!!!
    wjcndyd, May 26, 2005
  8. Why are you changing values on the CDF form? (I assume you mean the
    Tools->CDF->Edit CDF form) - this is primarily set up to reflect the
    parameters in the Verilog-A model, so that there's a placeholder for create
    instance and edit properties. The actual default values are held in the
    Verilog-A code.

    What you would normally do is set the properties on the _instance_ by doing an
    edit properties on the instance of adc_dnl_8bit and set them to the values you
    want. That should work (I've not tried it, as I'm not in the office at the
    moment, but I can't see why it wouldn't work).


    Andrew Beckett, May 31, 2005
  9. If you'd read the previous postings, you'd see that it is a sample verilog-a
    model provided in the ahdlLib library, in:


    and is a block for characterising the DNL of an 8 bit ADC. Read the comments
    in the Verilog-A code for more detail.


    Andrew Beckett, May 31, 2005
  10. wjcndyd

    wjcndyd Guest

    Thank you, Andrew! Is input.dat the output file which contains the
    DNL's for all the codes?
    wjcndyd, Jun 1, 2005
  11. Yes, looking at the code, if log_to_file is set to non-zero, it writes to a
    file called "%C:r.dat" - this means the input file name, stripped of its
    suffix, with .dat appended. If the input file is input.scs (which it is from
    within ADE), the output file will be called input.dat.

    The code mentions a parameter "filename" - but that is not implemented in the
    Verilog-A version of the code - it was there in the spectreHDL code. string
    parameters were only recently added to Verilog-A, but this model predates


    Andrew Beckett, Jun 1, 2005
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