How to unset XKEYSYMDB?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by comp.cad.cadence, Mar 18, 2005.

  1. comp.cad.cadence

    S. Badel Guest

    Mmmh... it could be in one of the .cdsinit files.
    I would suggest you do the following tests to find out.

    1) in your script do echo $XKEYSYMDB right after you unset it, and once again right before calling
    the cadence executable.
    If it's not set then it's being set during initialization of cadence.
    If it is set then, that's weird. You could also try
    set XKEYSYMBD=
    export XKEYSYMDB

    2) If 1) succeeds, then empty your .cdsinit and iteratively add the commands by small blocks to find
    out which one is setting this variable.
    If you have any third-party skill scripts executed to set-up integration of a tool inside the
    cadence environment, then that's probably the place to look for (most probably, hercules as i can
    see from the value you provided...)


    S. Badel, Apr 7, 2005
  2. Stephane

    I tried according to what you said. The problem is from the initiation
    process of Cadence which integrates the 3rd-party utility and menus.
    The PDK is assuming that there exists a directory "/lib" under
    installation directory of Avanti Hercules. Unfortunately, we don't have
    the directory there. Also I can't touch the encrypted .cdsinit file or
    sth like that.

    So I just wonder if there's a way to link a non-existing directory to
    another existing directory, only in a few user's environment setup. ( I
    better leave the system directory/file structure alone.) In my case,
    it's like:

    $avanti_home_dir/lib --> $/avanit_home_dir/existinglib


    comp.cad.cadence, Apr 7, 2005
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