How to strmout one gds data according to one template file?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by tech11, Jul 17, 2007.

  1. tech11

    tech11 Guest

    Hello everyone,

    If I have one template file, I may run 'pipo strmout' to
    stream out the gds data. How may I do it with skill code in CIW window?

    BTW, since IC6.X use OA database, skill language will be dated and
    abandoned, won't it?


    tech11, Jul 17, 2007
  2. Just do in skill:

    system("pipo stremout")
    Guenther Sohler, Jul 17, 2007
  3. Guenther answered this. You can also use ipcBeginProcess()
    No. Why do you think that? A lot of work has gone in to ensure SKILL

    You can use the same SKILL functions to access the database - the SKILL API was
    always a layer on top of the actual database implementation - all that has
    happened is that the underlying database implementation has changed. There are a
    few new objects, and some different use models, but apart from that your SKILL
    Andrew Beckett, Jul 18, 2007
  4. tech11

    tech11 Guest

    Thanks for Guenther and Andrew's answers.

    That's to say, I may run shell command through system() or
    ipcBeginProcess(), right?

    I tried it and run system("ls") in CIW window but get output in shell
    terminal. If I wanna save the output to a list and deal with it, how should
    I do?
    I have no more idea to OA storage. Since some softwares may generate pcell
    with python, so I guess maybe skill language will be abandoned later. In
    OA storage, will skill language continues to be used to write command files
    for layout verification and other codes?
    Thanks for all your help!


    tech11, Jul 19, 2007
  5. Read the documentation on ipcBeginProcess. You can capture the output of the
    spawned program, either via a data handler function passed to ipcBeginProcess,
    or by using ipcReadProcess(). It's in the manual.
    I don't know why you're guessing that. It's not true. SKILL language will
    continue to be used within the Cadence tools to write pcells and to customise
    the tools, and to write scripts to manipulate layout and other databases.
    Andrew Beckett, Jul 19, 2007
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