How to store Cadence simulation in local desktop

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Mobil, Mar 3, 2009.

  1. Mobil

    Mobil Guest

    Hello everyone,

    We have the Cadence installed in public server and individual clients
    use their local desktop to login the server (by X11) to run Cadence
    simulation. But the problem is that the disk space in public server is
    not enough to store large simulation results file (like tran.tran in $/
    psf directory).

    So does anyone know that how to make the simulation running in server
    and store the results file in local desktop? (I know how to use ssh
    shell to upload and download file to/from server, but no idea how to
    make a server program as Cadence write the data to local hard disk)


    Mobil, Mar 3, 2009
  2. Mobil

    Bernd Paysan Guest

    Mount the desktop's hard disk via nfs (or smb or whatever network
    transparent file system you can deploy) and symlink
    the /home/<user>/simulation directory to a directory there.
    Bernd Paysan, Mar 3, 2009
  3. Mobil

    Mobil Guest

    Thanks Bernd. But I'm not administrator, I don't think I have
    authority to mount desktop hard disk to the server.
    Mobil, Mar 3, 2009
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