How to stop Overide Value changing

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Nick S, Feb 14, 2006.

  1. Nick S

    Nick S Guest

    Hello all,
    I've drawn a dimensional drawing in Solidworks and on some of the
    dimensions I've forced the value to be over riden, I save the file
    without a problem but when I re open the file the values change back to
    their original value, how do I stop this from happening? All answer
    welcomed. Nick
    Nick S, Feb 14, 2006
  2. Nick S

    TOP Guest

    Which version of SW? I used to only see this behaviour with hole
    TOP, Feb 14, 2006
  3. Nick S

    Nick S Guest

    Hi TOP

    Thanks for your reply, the version of SolidWorks I'm using is 2005. Can
    you shed any light on the matter?
    Nick S, Feb 14, 2006
  4. Describe a bit more, step by step, what you are seeing, as in describe it so
    I can recreate it here. What do you mean "dimensional drawing"? Are you in
    a drawing, in a sketch, etc? How do you force a value?


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    Wayne Tiffany, Feb 14, 2006
  5. Nick S

    solid steve Guest

    I had this, but can't remember when, I had replaced a dim with an =
    sign, this was a bug and has been fixed.

    solid steve, Feb 14, 2006
  6. Nick S

    Nick S Guest

    hello all
    i am drawing a sketch in 2d due to the size i am drawing the item half
    scale and when i am complete i will go into comand manager and change
    dimesional value by using overide value
    but when i save drawing to file the value reverts back to original
    value and not the new value
    Nick S, Feb 14, 2006
  7. Nick S

    Bob Mac Guest

    Hi Nick

    I assume you are producing the 2d sketch in a new drg.
    If you set the scale for the sheet to say 1:2 (right mouse click on drg
    sheet and chose Properties), you can enter real world dimensions
    without having to overide them, all sketch elements will be sized to
    the scale set.
    This is also true if you have produced your sketch in part mode.
    Hope this helps.

    Bob Mac, Feb 15, 2006
  8. Nick S

    Bob Mac Guest


    Just had another thought.
    If you have other elements in the drg sheet that you want to have at a
    different scale, say 1:1 then your best bet is to either set these
    under "Custom Scale" or redraw your sketch in part mode ie, have the
    drg scale set to 1:1 and set the scale for the sketch part to 1:2 under
    "Custom Scale"
    Bob Mac, Feb 15, 2006
  9. Nick S

    Nick S Guest

    Hi Bob Mac
    thank you very much for the help in changing the scale of the dwgs
    this has turned out to be just the ticket once again thank you.
    Nick S, Feb 15, 2006
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