How to setup SKILL code about sevStartSession() to open a new ADE(artist) ?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by roland, Jun 21, 2004.

  1. roland

    roland Guest

    Dear All :

    I want to use sevStartSession to creat a new ADE .
    for example :

    sevStartSession(?lib "123")
    but it can not work on the ADE that I have created

    the following is document for reference .

    Thank You

    ================= Cadence SKILL Document ===================
    sevStartSession(?design ?lib ?cell ?view ?schematic)
    => t/nil

    Starts the Affirma Analog Simulation Environment session tied to the
    specified design. It will
    try the design first, then lib/cell/view, and finally it will try the
    If none of these is
    specified, it will start a skeleton session that will not be able to
    do anything until a design has
    been tied to the session.
    The lib/cell/view arguments must be specified, otherwise they are
    design The design object. The default value is nil.
    lib The library name. The default value is nil.
    cell The cell name. The default value is nil.
    view The view name. The default value is nil.
    schematic The schematic object. The default value is nil.
    Value Returned
    t Returns t if the call is successful.
    nil Returns nil if the call is unsuccessful.
    roland, Jun 21, 2004
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