How to set up zoom function on mouse scroll whell?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Seerup, Jan 1, 2007.

  1. Seerup

    Seerup Guest

    I've just installed Acad-R14, before that I used Acad Lite97.

    In my Lite, the function of dynamic zoom was linked to the scroll wheel of the
    mouse. This is not so in R14, and I can't find where to set this option.


    Ps. Happy newyear.
    Seerup, Jan 1, 2007
  2. Seerup

    Seerup Guest

    I've just installed Acad-R14, before that I used Acad Lite97.
    Found an older thread regarding same issue.
    And, yes, I'm using wireless.

    Seerup, Jan 1, 2007
  3. Seerup

    hpspt Guest

    many wireless mice scroll don't properly work with Autocad zoom/...
    hpspt, Jan 1, 2007
  4. Seerup

    sakoguy Guest

    The scroll function is driven by the mouse driver. You have to
    configure it in your mouse configuration, not in AutoCAD.
    Some wireless mice do not have all the configuration options of the
    wired mice, so depending on the brand of mouse you may not get the
    scroll function.
    sakoguy, Jan 2, 2007
  5. Seerup

    Remo Shiva Guest

    I'm sure r14 doesnt support this function anyway?? could be wrong but I
    remember needing a small program to sort this out for me, and I still
    remember it not working as well as I wanted it too eg: like the newer acads

    sorry, I can't recall the name of the program
    Remo Shiva, Jan 2, 2007
  6. Seerup

    Seerup Guest

    I'm sure r14 doesnt support this function anyway?? could be wrong but I
    Too bad.
    It's funny, the function works i LT97 but not in that newer version (ok, I know
    R14 not is the newest) but one would expect, that such a function was

    Anyhow, I'll just have to live without. Or downgrade to LT97 again ;o)

    Seerup, Jan 2, 2007
  7. Seerup

    Seerup Guest

    The scroll function is driven by the mouse driver. You have to
    I have LT97 and R14 installed same time, and it works perfectly in LT!?

    Seerup, Jan 2, 2007
  8. Seerup

    Remo Shiva Guest

    remembered it...

    its free too, so no harm giving it a go :)
    Remo Shiva, Jan 3, 2007
  9. Seerup

    Guest Guest

    But you have pan and zoom (dynamic and window) on the toolbar, just one
    click away. Is wheel scrolling that much of an advantage?

    Brian Salt,
    Buckland Monachorum,
    Guest, Jan 3, 2007
  10. Seerup

    Remo Shiva Guest


    icons waste time!!!
    Remo Shiva, Jan 3, 2007
  11. Seerup

    Seerup Guest

    But you have pan and zoom (dynamic and window) on the toolbar, just one
    To me it is, and I miss this feature.
    Offcourse one can always argue, that it's not important. But I'm used to this
    feature, and therefore I miss it :eek:)

    Seerup, Jan 3, 2007
  12. Seerup

    Seerup Guest

    Brian Salt,
    I've spent some time at your website. (app. 2hours now)
    Really interesting.

    Seerup (Denmark)
    Seerup, Jan 3, 2007
  13. Yes, because you can zoom to the mouse pointer and not to the center of the

    Jürgen Palme, Jan 3, 2007
  14. Seerup

    Guest Guest

    Tack so myket! (or is that Swedish?)

    My son-in-law's site, in fact. We have a group of people trying to keep
    the remains of the airfield and stop it being lost, so we have collected
    a lot of information about it. The website has had many responses from
    people who have information or stories, from as far as Canada, for

    But this is off topic...

    Brian Salt.
    For email reply, replace all before '@' with briansalt.
    Guest, Jan 3, 2007
  15. Seerup

    Guest Guest

    :)-)) But not that much, I think!

    Guest, Jan 3, 2007
  16. Seerup

    tomcas Guest
    tomcas, Jan 19, 2007
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