How to scale linewieghts with an STB file?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Robert Plummer, Jul 20, 2004.

  1. We are using named plot styles. We are using a simple set of plot styles
    that designate the color and screen of the linework. We have defined the
    lineweight for all of our plot styles to "Use object lineweight". The
    ojects then get their lineweight from the layer definitions. The layers are
    set up presuming a certain plot scale, ie. plans are expected to be at 1/8"
    = 1' - 0". This works fine when we follow this pattern.

    We are having trouble when we need to plot a drawing at a scale other than
    intended. For example, if we have a presentation drawing or a sketch
    drawing on an 11x17 or 8-1/2x11 sheet, we often scale the drawing to
    1/16"=1'-0" or 1/32"=1'-0". The lineweights then plot too heavy.
    Currently, the only solution we have found is to create a sheet that scaled
    up 2x or 4x the final print size so that an 1/8" viewport with fit on it,
    then scale the plot down by the corresponding factor and scale lineweights
    with it.

    Is there any other way to scale lineweights in this scenario? Is there a
    better way to set up our plotstyles? Should STBs be set up differently?
    Robert Plummer, Jul 20, 2004
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