How to save the results calculated in OCEAN?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by cyseok, Mar 10, 2006.

  1. cyseok

    cyseok Guest

    This is my ocean script.

    v1 = v("Vsampled")
    fft1 = dB20(dft(v1,1m,19.874368,524288,"Cosine2",1,1)

    How can I save fft1 in a file?

    Later, from the file, I just want to plot the waveform in wavescan or
    without doing caculation again.

    I don't want to do fft whenever I want the result since doing fft takes
    some time.

    Thanks in advance.
    cyseok, Mar 10, 2006
  2. cyseok

    fogh Guest


    You can not save your secunday waveforms to file. That fancy
    functionality was not implemented. There are ways to make ascii psf or
    wsf from skill, but it is not so nice. There is no standard way of
    saving a variable value (like fft1) to file, as with the 'pickle' module.

    A few hints:
    1- use a steady state analysis
    2- use the ratiometric fourier component (in spectre)
    3- use artWaveformToFile and artFileToWaveform

    I do not recommend 3) unless there is a serious difficulty with the
    fogh, Mar 11, 2006
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