how to run VHDL-AMS Simulation in Cadence

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Peter Wilson, Jul 28, 2004.

  1. Peter Wilson

    Peter Wilson Guest


    I would like to simulate a schematic/layout generated in Cadence using
    VHDL-AMS models. How do I set this up using IC5.0/LDV5.0 and how do I
    run simulations?

    Also, how can I run the simulations from the command line as in
    Spectre or VerilogAMS?

    Thanks in advance,
    Peter Wilson
    Peter Wilson, Jul 28, 2004
  2. Have you read the documentation on AMS Designer?

    There is a tutorial included as well (may not use VHDL-AMS, but Verilog-AMS, but
    you should be able to get the point).

    Andrew Beckett, Jul 30, 2004
  3. Peter Wilson

    Peter Wilson Guest

    Yes, I have read the docs, obviously they are aimed at Verilog-A(MS),
    but there is no detail for VHDL-AMS.

    I can see the general principles, but getting , for example, the -AMS
    option in ncvhdl is not clear in either the documentation or the GUI
    (it works fine at the command line).

    All I need now is an example of how to set up a resistor, say, and
    then netlist a schematic containing VHDL-AMS elements targetted to
    ncvhdl, with the AMS options. Then I can extend this to pretty much
    any block. I have figured out the simulator (including options) and
    SimVision, so getting the netlister working would be brilliant.

    Peter Wilson, Aug 4, 2004
  4. Peter,

    Apologies for the delay in responding to this.

    You can created VHDL-AMS textual views in DFII by using File->New->CellView
    and selecting "VHDLAMS-Editor" as the tool. Any view created this way will be
    compiled using ncvhdl with the -ams option.

    However, with AMS Designer, schematics are always netlisted as Verilog-AMS,
    and not as VHDL-AMS. This was a conscious decision, for a few main reasons:

    1. Verilog-AMS allows automatic insertion of connectmodules when disparate
    disciplines are connected to each other; VHDL-AMS doesn't allow this, and
    so by netlisting schematics in Verilog-AMS you get more flexibility.
    Because VHDL is strongly typed, the types of signals connected together
    have to match, whereas Verilog-AMS's connectmodules allow you to
    automatically convert one type to another.
    2. The simulator supports mixed-language, so there's no real benefit in it
    netlisting to VHDL-AMS.
    3. It would require another netlister to be written, and since there were no
    compelling reasons to have the netlist in VHDL-AMS, that hasn't been done
    yet (I guess this third point is a little tautological).

    So practically it all works together, but if you're using VHDL-AMS for religious
    reasons (choice of VHDL or Verilog is often a religious thing rather than for
    any particular language capability), then this lack of rigour may disturb
    you ;-)

    Andrew Beckett, Aug 10, 2004
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