How to rip one set of data out of a distributed montecarlo simulation and wavescan

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Svenn Are Bjerkem, Oct 24, 2006.

  1. Hi,
    I know Andrew claims that wavescan is not slow, but version brings my patience to an end. I have a temperature dc
    sweep where I need to investigate some failures in particular runs.
    Wavescan is inherently good at selecting particular runs as this can be
    set in the select data dialog in the browser, and following signal
    selections plot the signals from the selected montecarlo runs only.

    It just looks as if the signals _not_ being selected brings the tool to
    its knees. Whatever I do I have to bring a lot of patience with me as
    the tool needs to think a lot between selections. So I thought: "Why
    not just extract the _entire_ montecarlo run of that particular run I
    am interested in. Then I would have a single, normal dc-run to look at,
    and wavescan would not have such problems with the, for me,
    uninteresting signals.

    I am just wondering _how_ to do this. Normally I get some good ideas
    when I describe my problem here, but today there is really nothing.
    Maybe some of you guys have a starting point for me. I should be able
    to extract all signals for one entire run in one batch. Resimulating is
    not really an option as this would overwrite my existing database and
    an entire run take a weekend.
    Svenn Are Bjerkem, Oct 24, 2006
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