How to return to beginning

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Adesu, Feb 15, 2005.

  1. Adesu

    Adesu Guest

    I mean if user hit "enter',I want return to beginning the program,here my

    (prompt "\nSelect a (T)ext ot (L)ine to move it")
    (initget " T L")
    (setq opt (getkword "\nWHAT DO YOU WANT TO MOVE IT <T or L>; "))
    (setq hit "")
    (if opt (= opt hit)(alert "\nPlease try again,choose one"))
    Adesu, Feb 15, 2005
  2. Adesu

    Alaspher Guest

    You may "Prevent the user from responding to the request by entering only ENTER" (text from help):
    (prompt "\nSelect a (T)ext or (L)ine to move it")
    (initget 1 "Text Line")
    (setq opt (getkword "\nWHAT DO YOU WANT TO MOVE IT [Text/Line]: "))
    but better way is to make default value:
    (prompt "\nSelect a (T)ext or (L)ine to move it")
    (initget "Text Line")
    (if (not (setq opt (getkword "\nWHAT DO YOU WANT TO MOVE IT [Text/Line] <Text>: ")))
    (setq opt "Text")
    Best regards!
    Alaspher, Feb 15, 2005
  3. Adesu

    Adesu Guest

    Hi Alaspher, this perfect by (initget 1 "Text Line"),thanks a lot.

    Adesu, Feb 15, 2005
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